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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. This, or maybe make it a rule that a winner of a category from a previous year can’t be nominated in the same category in the next award season.
  2. I somehow forgot I have nine wins! This was really interesting, thanks for summarizing, @PARADIXO!
  3. We need kiss + wave emoticons and my giraffe icons mwehehe
  4. Yeah, I’m fairly sure Elle has won most awards, haha.
  5. I want to say you’re in a Violet bent backwards over the grass-era because you won the blogger award and posted another perfume review.
  6. I think I spent all morning catching up on the 30-40 pages from where I signed off lmao never change LB, here’s to another year!
  7. Hmmnnnn I think I’ll say goodbye for now, it’s getting pretty late! Congratulations to all the past and future winners and runner ups! Thanks everyone for another entertaining award season!
  8. Everybody knows @Psychedelic Pussy is a good girl, officer!
  9. @Psychedelic Pussy All this AI art makes wanna see Lana wear those sunnies in real life too, they're…. hypnotically cool.
  10. Will the award night be promoted on social media? @Elle
  11. Omg congrats to the first winners!
  12. I’ll have one Paradise (2015), please!
  13. I don’t know why but, somehow, reading this made me crave chocolate
  14. It’s been a wonderful year being a delusional clown so this feels appropriate for tonight!
  15. I’m home, just need to find something to wear now…!
  16. Hon, that’s a very… risqué look. (possibly the dress you wore for a cover shoot??)
  17. omg I wish I could give you twenty more likes THANK YOU!
  18. I assumed that but still, just wanted to mention it in case it’s something the organizers would like for next year. (I think tiny badges as trophies to add to signatures would be cute! Just a thought. :’) I could maybe help with that, if there’s time) It hurts my artist heart to see so much AI “art” the past two years, even google search results show AI made pictures too… all I wanted was to see was pictures of cute kittens in bubble baths to cheer me up.
  19. please ask one or two of the many talented visual artists on this site to provide with art and “trophies” next year instead of relying on AI, thank you :’ )
  20. I’ve heard about this on the radio news but they’re so short and quick, I didn’t quite understand what’s happening.
  21. Still waiting for my lost invite but if there’s a table for forgotten former legends, maybe there’s a seat for me there.
  22. I… I think my invite got lost in the mail.
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