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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Because sometimes the artist is only about the music and prefers to focus on that. I find it hard to believe that every artist are taking part in the merch development and decisions, maybe they just have a final say or something on what to sell and with what print after getting some suggestions. Maybe.I’m not saying that Lana is like that because I honestly have no idea. Maybe she is like what you wrote. Merch is a way to earn more money and for fans to get something to take home, like a souvenir if you’d like. I don’t think all artists see it as a part of their art.
  2. I don’t think she even has to come up with ideas herself, because I’m guessing that big bands and solo performers have their own staff to come up with merch ideas or designs to re-print on shirts and tote bags and pins etc.But yeah, maybe Lana doesn’t have such staff (or doesn’t want any?) since she likes to come up with ideas herself... at least for music videos.
  3. She hates y’all. Jokes aside, that article made me wonder if she picked the church because some other celeb recommended it or...? Didn’t she check up their history before or did she pick it because the pamphlet sounded nice? I guess it’s her way of getting closer to God or whatever she wrote on Twitter.
  4. Lyric video for Almost is out!
  5. My queen https://youtu.be/LHhQ8-1-usgm
  6. I used to play this song everyday for like a month when I went home from school. It’s still great. https://youtu.be/x1GKxLc3nFw
  7. Does anyone even watch the videos for MAC and VB? I don’t think I’ve watched them since the release week.
  8. I recommend the abba museum if you’re ever here, I thought it was kinda fun even though I’m not an abba fan and never play their songs. Worth a visit.
  9. Yay my country’s icons getting their own thread
  10. I want to believe that the album will come in March, but even I don't know anymore... I'm starting to doubt it tbh.
  11. I remember once when I stood at a crosswalk, waiting for green light, while I was listening to Born To Die. The light turned green and I began to cross it - apparently did some car also have green light and I didn't even think of checking before walking. It would be so ironic if the last song I heard in my life would be BTD and a car ran over me. Luckily he saw me before I saw him and I didn't get hurt.
  12. Don't ask if I'm happy - you know that I'm not But at best, I can say I'm not sad Never have I ever related so much to a Lana line.
  13. I think I've replied in this thread before, but if not... Some of my absolute favorite songs by Lana's released tracks are BTD, Video Games, Ride, Yayo, Cruel World, SoC, Brooklyn Baby, West Coast, Black Beauty, MTWBT, GKIT, The Blackest Day, Swan Song, Venice Bitch. Honorary mentions: Love, Heroin, Get Free.
  14. I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him VS I'm your man
  15. Ok, I'm a bit more used to Face My Fears now, I think it's pretty interesting and sounds cool. However, Chikai sounds much more like her and I can't help but love it more. It fit and sounds perfectly in her last album, Hatsukoi, a bit more though. I stumbled onto this last week or so and I'm lost at words - this is so good, I can't even find the words to express how amazed I am. I "never" listen to fanmade remakes/remixes of video game music, but this one... wow. They truly brought life into this song. Their animated trailer for Majora's Mask is everything too, it gives me chills and I wish so very much that it was real. Speaking of covers and remixes, I love this video, hehe. ♥
  16. Let’s see, we have a light blue for (German) BTD, blue and lavender for UV, delicious red for HM (and Love/LFL heart vinyl) and sheer green for LFL... Yeah, I think a darker green would fit, or perhaps a vinyl with “paint splatter” on it. I can’t imagine it to be pink though, sorry. Burnt orange would look cool but I don’t get that feeling of such a warm color for this album.
  17. I really like Hope, I often keep it on repeat for a long time. I wish I still had this much faith in Lana’s energy...!
  18. Lana mentioned Yosemite several times in interviews prior to the release is LFL and said that it was her favorite song. A reporter might have heard it when she played the songs for him. We have only heard a few lines acapella at a live Spotify session.
  19. I know, which is why I said I didn’t mean only Gangsta Queen, but aaah, I dunno, I’m just tired I guess. I know you’re just having fun. Ignore me, carry on.
  20. ... This has nothing to do with the thread... I don’t wanna be mean, but can we at least try to stick to the topic? I don’t speak only of you, I’ve seen several people writing “irrelevant” things, it just makes me tired to read the thread. D:
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