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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. "I was dreaming of a lake Dreaming of the water where I'd rise like a phoenix Or an iron from the fire" VS "My old man is a theif // And I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end // But I trust in the decision of the Lord to watch over us // Take him when he may, if he may // I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him"
  2. I love Simon & Martina’s channel for food and travel videos (and previously k-pop videos), Violette is an inspiring beauty youtuber and makes everything look effortlessly chic with her French roots, Aly Art make great explanations on everything on beauty and fashion... Favorite fruits in a fruit salad?
  3. @@graham4anything Terrence Loves Me is a funny, sweet and yes, sometimes messy or annoying, but there’s no need to say he’s a banned member. As a friend of his, I consider it rude. And as a fangirl myself, I also “thinks the world starts and ends” with Lana. We like different things in life, who cares? On topic... I was hoping Lana would be interviewed, even if we would only see her for half a minute of the screen, but someone up wrote that she wasn’t on the interview list... I’m slightly disappointed, but hey, a new song wouldn’t be that bad either.
  4. I can recommend Joyce Carol Oates’ fictional biography on Norma Jean’s/M.Monroe’s life, it was very well written. It’s called “Blonde”.
  5. I don’t want it, but I have to say it’s an interesting idea.
  6. Wrong thread. --> http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/215-unpopular-lana-opinions/
  7. I kind of feel like... so many people are so impatient. Our girl had lots of photoshoots and interviews last year, she finished her world tour last month and recently she was at the Met gala... what more do you want? Except for her to tell us something since she's been teasing with "soon", as usual.
  8. It’s just Loreen and Stargirl joking around about a fictional character called Daniel Oliwav(spelling?) from a science fiction novel or something.
  9. I can’t sleep because I think too much about Lana and her music.
  10. I remember that H&M played Lust For Life here in Sweden. I know that isn't radio, but at least it was something...
  11. She's trying to erase any hope we have of getting an EP or new album this year.
  12. It's quite simple but it's funny so 7. I don't know why I changed mine for something this ugly, do you hate my siggy too?
  13. A good fan even in your dreams!
  14. Banned for that drama in the status updates some weeks ago
  15. Love it. Maybe she got shorter hair becuase of the huge lob trend, but either way, I think it suits her. I still love her hair for the L'Officiel shoot. ♥ (And her sunnies look great on her!)
  16. I imagine the same! Something half-spoken in the background. Hon, that was me and I was only joking, I have no idea what it might sound like.
  17. Ohh, thanks! I didn't recognize the lines but I do know the song lol “A man who makes a beast out of himself got nothin to lose, sold my soul long ago, nothing I can choose” VS "Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes - says it feels like heaven to him"
  18. “A man who makes a beast out of himself got nothin to lose, sold my soul long ago, nothing I can choose” Vs "The stone Mary in the garden // She let me know she watching // And she said I better get walking // I better walk away" (Which song is the first line from? )
  19. Banned because I don't know you very well even though you're iconic
  20. I have one for personal stuff (mainly pictures of pretty buildings lol) and one for my reviews of Pocky. Pocky is a Japanese biscuit covered in chocolate and often have different flavors. Do you own a magnifying glass?
  21. You turn into 22 but none of your friends do so now you're all alone and have to find new ones. I wish I had more money.
  22. I heart wants to say yes, but considering that men "have" to buy razors to shave their beard, that medicine/drugs for different kinds of pain isn't free, you "have" to buy deoderant and stuff... my mind says no. Do you agree that a quiet Lana is a good (and working) Lana?
  23. "Talking Like An Answering Machine" sounds really silly. Maybe she still wants to do something more public friendly and is going for 80's synth pop?
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