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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I think Lana'd be sad to see him wishing someone would leak their song...
  2. I don’t think anyone was disrespectful but to see the same people showing up just to see Lana… I don’t know. Lana was happy to see them though, so that’s sweet.
  3. I've listened to her albums and EP now, listening through them a second time now. Honestly surprised James doesn't have more listens on Spotify, I think it's really funny and sweet!
  4. We'll see who she'll compete against but I have a feeling she will be snubbed again.
  5. August 24, 2018 It was sometime around that day, maybe the same day or a few days before or later, that I asked a hairdresser to chop off my very long hair to give me a bob for the first time! I loved it, and I was glad I finally did it after considering it for years! Then my depression slowly returned. : )))
  6. Sooo… The show was great! The lighting was better than when I saw them for the first time, and I like the echo effects they’ve implemented for Eli’s voice on certain songs. When I saw them earlier this year as openers for Arctic Monkeys, the huge arena felt a bit large for them, that they still need some experience to learn how to use a stage that big. I’m sure they’ll get there one day! Because their songs definitely fit bigger venues. However, the crowd just felt… dead to me. Or not dead, people were clearly excited and happy to be there, but it seemed more important to capture every moment on their phones. And don’t get me wrong, I record videos too, but never full songs and never every single one on the set list either. Very, very few joined clapping to the songs, even fewer raised their arms to bop along and not that many even jumped along. I honestly felt sorry for Inhaler, and the opening act, Nieve Ella. I felt awkward at times for enjoying myself. This is the first time I’ve seen how phones really can kill a concert. Maybe I was the only one who was saddened by it. Maybe it was better in the back, but I doubt it. Maybe it’s because the venue was fairly small and us Scandinavians aren’t known for being outgoing and loud at concerts. I was surprised that they came back for an encore after a few minutes of us cheering them to enter the stage again, but I’m glad they did! A second play of Just to keep you satisfied and the night’s only performance of My honest face (I didn’t realize until then that they had left one of their best songs for the encore!! Insane!). No setlists were given out afterwards, unfortunately. But I was happy to see the same girl at the merch booth as my first Inhaler show! She confirmed she’s been their merch lady for a while now. Show was great, the crowd wasn’t it in my opinion. Hopefully it’ll be better next time, if there’ll be a next time!
  7. Finished listening to Everything I know about love, I think she's my new favorite artist! She's very talented... on to the next EP or album!
  8. Absolutely, but most of all, I want a 90 minute show without breaks for hair and wigs and the Ride monologue.
  9. Saaaame, I'm so pleased she finally got some real backup singers for this tour, I've been wanting them for years! And they did an awesome job too! I hope she'll consider keeping real backup singers for future tours, they bring so much to live experiences.
  10. Oh, I could be wrong though! I haven't really paid much attention to this second leg of the tour, with the shows being on while I'm asleep and my instagram feed being bombarded with video clips... I just don't have the time or energy to check them out lol. ^^'
  11. Yep! From what I’ve heard from fan recordings, she still uses backtrack for certain songs, or partly like for the choruses (which is pretty normal).
  12. Byron also hinted in a comment that there'll be more shows!
  13. Ohh, I thought SOS was older but now that you mention it…! But wouldn’t it be submitted to an rnb category? And yeah, boygenius will surely win something too.
  14. I really want to hope so too, but who would be her potential rivals? Olivia Rodrigo with Guts, Taylor Swift with Midnights… help me, who more?
  15. If it wouldn’t be submitted to the Grammys, I’d seriously question what her label is doing.
  16. Writing numbers for a queue system and having roll calls is normal, I’ve seen it at a couple of large concerts (Coldplay, U2).
  17. Beautiful Loser


    (I went 30 pages back in the music section and couldn’t find a thread for her music so here it is!) Laufey (pronounced lāy-vāy) Lín Jónsdóttir is a relatively new artist, debuting in 2020 with the single “Street by Street”. Her jazzy, bossa nova sound and voice has reached a new and younger audience; some describe it as bedroom jazz. She hopes she will bring jazz to people like Taylor Swift brought country and pop to bigger audiences. I listen to both jazz and bossa nova occasionally and accidentally came across her song “Falling Behind” when scrolling on Instagram and that song describes how I feel so well, I finally have a song I can relate to lol. I will definitely listen to more of her music in the near future!
  18. Gonna see them again in less than a week!
  19. Same but she’d sell out in minutes and I wouldn’t have a chance to see her.
  20. Sooo if she only wants to do open-air venues... I guess that'll mean festivals starting spring next year again. Why can't she do an arena tour again??
  21. Someone needs to show this to Lana so she’ll stop thinking no one cares about her album!
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