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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. The dress is STUNNING (is it velvet??) and so is she! I tried searching for the dress (Gucci, Erdem, Prada...), but no luck - I guess we'll see what the magazines writes! I bet some fashion magazine will find out what dress she's wearing.
  2. The cutest dork ever https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOdHp3fXkAAOS-F.jpg:large
  3. Lana took some selfies, we might expect to see them later. https://twitter.com/HugoGloss/status/929793083310473221
  4. She looks like a grown, sexy woman who knows what she likes and knows what looks good on her. The dress really suits her image, style and age. Wow. Just wow.
  5. Weren't all the nominees from UK? Were any of them form Ireland? Sweet, short, questions about what it's like to work with the artists she featured in her album. I filmed a short clip on my insta story. (@clampigirl)
  6. SLAY ME MAMA YESS 80's shoulders and bring those peace flowers with you to the show, baby!! I'M ALIVE FOLKS, I'M ALIIIVVVEEE The dress!! The hair!! Those sparkly shoes!! THOSE LEGS!!!
  7. Fixed it. Praying for a Lana and U2 moment. (I hope they mean that U2 will perform live tonight and not the recording they had yesterday)
  9. I love American but that part is so... bleh. Like, "yep, you clearly don't know what you're saying".
  10. Livestream for MTV EMA London 2017: Link: http://www.mtvema.com/live Red carpet: 6:15 PM // 18:15 Pre-show: 8 PM // 20:00 Award show: 9 PM // 21:00 Local time!! Two of their cameras have already begun filming parts of the red carpet I think, so hit the link and shout when you see Lana!
  11. I’ll take anything but those black jeans and shirts right now to be honest. A N Y T H I N G ! ! She looks stunning though, but my hopes are at the bottom right now. At least hairstylist Anna seems to have done something to Lana according to her insta story. I’m praying it’s something amazing.
  12. Uh... I’m more familiar with sadness so I’ll go with that. Italian or Chinese food?
  13. Winter sunrises and summer sunsets, please. Cherries or peaches?
  14. Everybody wants to go fast But they can't compare I don't really want the rest Only you can take me there I don't even know what I'm saying But I'm praying for you
  15. Life doesn't always work out like you planned it They say "make lemonade out of lemons" but I tried and I just can't understand it All this trying for no good reason Man makes plans and God laughs Why do I even bother to ask? ----- I feel like these lines are some of the few ones that I can relate to out of Lana's songs. I cried quite a lot having this on repeat a few months ago, last summer. I'm not religious, but those are some beautiful lyrics right there. I can totally relate. They say that you should always trust God for having a plan for you but in this song, it sounds as if god is mocking you with your dumb plans. Or maybe it's supposted to be a good-hearted laugh, like to someone you love. I dunno. But I don't have a god anyways so. I'm just tired of trying my best and not getitng "anything" out of it.
  16. Change is so beautiful. And Get Free too. And Tomorrow Never Came, Heroin, Groupie Love, BPBP, Love, LFL, 13 Beaches... they’re all so good.
  17. She still dresses in a cheap style, I could buy that outfit in any store but for cheaper. Oh wait, I don’t have to because I practically already own that outfit.
  18. Sorry, but you legends inspired me. Nah, they just finished a a massive tour of 51shows and their new album is coming soon, so I doubt it... but maybe they just was some peace to rest, lol.
  19. (I wonder a little why U2 isn’t confirmed to attend, they’re nominated in two categories and won the Global Icon Award... why not go?)
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