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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Sooo true. And even if the album seems a little bit messy with all the different sounds, those three blend together so well and Heroin-Change-Get Free too. So it doesn’t really matter if the album doesn’t have a coherent sound all the way through like UV or HM.
  2. I feel like I don’t know enough of Buddhism to really take in what he’s saying, sorry. (Plus the video isn’t waaayy too long and I have better things to do).
  3. Kind of off topic, but I love your posts. And I hope Yosemite will come to its senses and start being serious and see how much you love it.
  4. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Playing Dangerous VS Delicious
  5. Well, if that's the case I think it's unfair. Thanks!
  6. Write [*spoiler] your text in here that you wanna hide [*/spoiler] but without the * or click on the green thing to the left of "Font" and scroll down to spoiler and type your text in the box.
  7. I think I'll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies These few words are describing a picture so beautifully and I never really thought that the stars always chase the sun and will miss seeing it forever... until Lana said so.
  8. Oops, I meant for Summer Bummer. The one with the cherry in her mouth. See, I'm confused, they're having a cherry in the picture for a song that isn't called cherry.
  9. I think Krug's photos for LFL are incerdibly ugly, way too much exposure (too much flash?) and everything looks white. And the cover art for Cherry Summer Bummer is meh.
  10. I haven't watched anime in years and I haven't read manga for such a long time too. I don't have time to...
  11. Jhené looks so good in these photos for Nylon, like I don't have time to read the article at the moment, but I might go back and do it later! Article and more pictures can be found here: https://nylon.com/articles/jhene-aiko-november-2017-cover-star
  12. I love red lipstick, but I feel like a red lip needs to be balanced with some simple eye makeup too... so can I answer red lipstick and brown eye pencil? What's your favorite TV show at the moment?
  13. I’m not sure if it would count if I stream it on Spotify - they only have the Paradise edition of Born To Die. AND DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR LANA FOR BEST ALTERNATIVE ON MTV AWARDS!! Gosh, I voted for hours one day in between studying, I hope she’ll win.
  14. I don't drink. Since someone skipped my last question, here it comes again: What's your favorite jazz song?
  15. Persian cuisine ♥ What's your favorite jazz song?
  16. Nope, I'm a proud tea drinker! Do you own a discount coupon?
  17. Though choice! Chocolate cake is never wrong (especially the Swedish "mud cake" which is all gooey inside ♥) and apple pies are favorites. ♥ Pick a favorite: vacuum cleaning doing the laundry do the dishes cleaning the bathroom going through your wardrobe
  18. New Year's Day - U2 Name a song you haven't listened to for a long time?
  19. I didn't know it had a promo CD. =P So no. Do you own a Spotify account?
  20. Haven't seen it in real life, but they look amazing so - love it! Donald Duck comics?
  21. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Playing Dangerous VS Starry Eyed
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