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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Never mind, SZA confirmed it wasn’t Lana lol! Back to edit the timeline…
  2. Adding this to my album timeline just in case…
  3. I saw a documentary about her recently, she seemed to be such a strong woman who stuck with her beliefs and fought for women’s rights on Ireland… Sad to see her go so early.
  4. When Lana sings “hoping that words could turn to birds and birds would send my thoughts your way” and no one gets it because Musk erased Twitter
  5. Literally, it’s sad to be honest. What will the site be called?? x.com?? Sounds like some illegal shit website.
  6. What if… she’ll send letters a la Lorde…
  7. When the newsletter signup asked for my birthday and the year started from 2010… I don’t know if I felt bad for being “old” or if they think all her fans are 13 year olds.
  8. Yeah, she’s definitely quitting the honeymoon account. Like I thought, e-mails will be the communication to fans from now on. Kinda sad but oh well, it might be best for her if she really doesn’t want a public private account anymore.
  9. Time for me to start another album timeline blog post
  10. I saw this last night and GURL this is so random lmaoooo I can’t!! I love her
  11. Don’t pretend she’s the kind of girl who can sleep.
  12. I think she still has her concert makeup on, haha
  13. Because I was a noob when I made this thread back in 2019 - I'll make one now!
  14. I agree, BUT the dancers have said WM is their favorite song to perform and they have a pretty nice choreography for it that they’ve practiced so I highly doubt it’ll be removed from the setlist. I think it’ll stay there for quite some time. :/ THIS SOUNDS AMAZING??? She HAS to turn this into a proper song omgggg I’m obsessed!!
  15. I’m about to start scrolling through 15+ pages of comments
  16. Ooh, I’d like to hug her too if she’d be comfortable with it, hugs are the best.
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