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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Catalans are voting today regarding the question if they should become independent from the rest of Spain. Catalonia is in northern Spain and contains Barcelona among other cities. Many Catalans feel like the Spanish government isn't taking enough interest in the region and since they speak differently than the rest of Spain, the language also make them feel distanced from the rest of Spain. The Spanish government isn't very happy about this and have ordered the police to collect any vote urns and close down any voting stations. I was listening to the Swedish radio news and the news reporter said, live, that some people have been hurt by the police officers and you could hear gunshots in the background. I hope it isn't like this all over Catalonia and if any of you LB members live there, be careful. BBC reports some chaotic images: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-41457238 We will see how this ends at the end of today.
  2. I saw the trailer and thought it was very interesting - hopefully we'll see it all one day!
  3. Ah, that is true. The smoking too btw.
  4. Same when I saw her, she let the audience sing it instead. I didn't even mind because I was crying so much that she played one of my favourite songs, lol. And it was beautiful. Around 3:15. Maybe she's not singing such high notes to spare her vocal folds? I mean, Adele has quit some of her tours early because her songs are so powerful...
  5. I instantly loved "out of the black into the blue" when I first heard it. Especially at the end of the song. It feels so liberating for some reason, and then comes the sea birds and the ocean sounds... and it just... beautiful. So beautiful.
  6. ^ Makes me wonder if she was playing with the same cherry or ate several cherries.
  7. I've only seen her once (this year, a small indoor venue) and at times, it was difficult to hear her voice. Because she sings so soothingly these days and not like she did in her early days and fans can be louder... because you're standing next to someone singing out loud so you might hear them better? Does that make sense?But yes, sometimes fans overpower her, sadly. I hope the microphone will be louder on this tour because it surely didn't sound good on the BBC show earlier this year.
  8. Don't forget to ask the next question!!
  9. Nope. 7 dates. But she did say that she will be back later on the tour!
  10. Currently drawing and listening music on spotify. Coachella came on and I think I finally start to like it a bit more! I heard somewhere that dopamine is released more the more you listen to a song and eventually you'll like it.
  11. The only classic I can think of is The Worst. Start with it. Some of my favorites are Mirrors (video is above, not available on Spotify), WTH, The Pressure and Wading. And she had a great hook in Drake's "From time".
  12. I bet she's just spying so she can copy Lana some more. Nah, just joking. It would be interesting to see what songs Lana might put on her playlist if she shared one.
  13. Oh yeah, I saw this earlier today! I didn't know if it was old pictures or new (I kind of suspected it to be new because of Lana's hair but it could also just lay flat on her back ) because no one at LB had posted the pictures here, haha. Queens! ♥
  14. Can't you call the venue and ask to change tickets? That was doable when my family and I went to see U2 and needed to change dad's (and mom's) seat. Why haven't I thought of this? I wouldn't have been able to anyways, too many things have came up that needed my money and I honestly never believed that I would ever see her live because she went to so many festivals for the past years here in Europe.
  15. Honestly the best gift ever. And congratulations to getting married!
  16. When I think about it, I'm not so surprised. She hasn't done much with it this summer (a small bouffant, a braid, a low bun) except for those crazy curls she had for one show, so I guess it was bothersome to have such long hair if you can't get the extensions out.
  17. YAAASSS I told you to keep on trying!! I'm so glad for you for some weird reason, lol. xD
  18. Keep on trying! It was the same for London but my family managed to get tickets several minutes later. And that was a miracle, I don't know how they did it.
  19. Not really a question, more like a question open for discussion, but do you think Lana would ever release an album without her face on it? (Or body if we include the Urban Outfitters version of UV) Why/why not? I think she'd do great with just an illustration.
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