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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. This means I've been a fan for ten years now! Paradise was already out when I finally decided to check out her music for real, and I remember wanting to go and see Tropico live at the cinema it was premiered at but I obviously couldn't since I lived halfway across the globe, haha. Ride remains as one of her best songs, and that's a fact!
  2. Hozier for the video game series God of War Ragnarök. <3
  3. Considering how much artists can earn from touring, I think she’ll do it, and if not because she wants to, her label will make her. Maybe they’ll negotiate and she’ll only do a limited number of California show. I just hope they won’t be festivals. She’s big enough to fill up proper concert halls and arenas now. Like Rorman pointed out, one of her backup dancers just had a baby, but I think she can get on the stage without her or without both dancers, if she has to go on a tour. Maybe her bassist will finally come back instead? I don’t predict a tour for 2023 because she’d have to announce the dates now if she’s planning to tour spring or summer (unless she drops them unexpectedly like she did in 2017... tickets went for sale and the concert was like the week after). Besides, she doesn’t have a new album to promote yet (no, Chemtrails and BB don’t count). I can see her tour 2024-2025 at earliest, if she even will.
  4. The more I look at it, the less I like it. But I can feel your love!!
  5. I listen to the radio a lot, especially this semester since my schedule is so empty (= work at your stuff at you own pace). Every once in a while, they play a song I really like or catches my attention, and then I look it up to listen to it properly. If I like it enough, I check out more of their work (yay, Sam Fender's seventeen going under album!) Sometimes I give in and listen to what youtube recommends me. It's 50-50. Once it recommended me a cool world music album though, I might've listened to it again if I could remember what it was. Recently, I've checked out what Spotify recommends me to check out in that daily discovery playlist. It's not very good, but I've found one or two new songs from that. But usually, it's a band or an artists name that keeps popping up and I kinda remind myself to check them out - which is usually years later because I'm lazy lmao. It took me until last year to listen to Arctic Monkeys despite hearing about them a lot when their big hit with AM came out. And it took me surely over ten years to remember that I liked the sound of MIA's paper planes when I was a kid and decided to look her up. I like her work but I just can't with the 5G conspiracy theorie tweets so I'm over her. Similarily, sometimes I check out artists my (online) friends are really hyping up. Create your own playlist to set a mood and you'll surely discover new tracks. I may or may not have one called "put me in a princess dress and dump me in a ballroom" which is basically just pretty waltzes, aaaand I'm cringey and put together a playlist based on the character in my profile picture lmaooo. They're not songs I'd normally listen to, but I've overplayed them so much, I'm sure my spotify wrapped will be a messsss rip to Venice Bitch not being the top 1 song for the third year in a row I don't know, stay curious, I guess? When you notice you're stuck listening to the same thing, try to break it if it's really bothering you. Maybe log into LB, see which artist's thread is newly updates, and check out their work?
  6. I haven't had the opportunity to watch the latest season yet.
  7. I have no idea how this works, but I'm guessing the merch team has a contracted deal to use the photographs (like how record labels can use photos for promo, I assume), while fans haven't signed anything like that and therefore can't use them. But it's a wild guess, I have no idea how it really works. The fan made Norman print with the butterfly looked like a photo manip though, but I don't really know.
  8. For me, I must've loved her since... 2001? 2002? Sometime around that. My brother introduced me to her, haha. Her last great album was Next Level (2009) in my opinion, but I haven't given her more recent albums an honest try. Terminal (produced by Armin van Buuren, 2014) is her last superb song. I don't know, I listen a bit to her new songs and just think "nah this ain't it", sadly. I kinda just wish she'd take a small break, focus on creating really good songs and then make a comeback, but I know she's a workaholic.
  9. ? This isn't related to the fan design contest so I guess they have permission to use official photos.
  10. Pretty much the same, I've listened to this album (or, all her songs, really) since I was a kid, haha.
  11. The prices (not including customs) and the nightmare customer service I've read online and the amount of people witnessing that they still haven’t gotten their package after three months are the main reasons why I’ll never buy from the shop, which is kinda sad because some of the designs are pretty cool.
  12. Yeah, their art has popped up on my feed a few times. I think their submission will appeal to a lot of people.
  13. Ok so it’s over for now, I wonder what albums they’ll announce for the next round. Sad that I didn’t make it, but I kinda sensed it and I knew I was risking it by sneaking in a skull in my submission. If anyone would be interested to still print it, let me know and I can try to send you a DM! I might print a shirt for myself.
  14. Have they presented them all? So from the first round, we got 3 Honeymoon arts, 2 Norman’s and 2 Ultraviolence ones. Cool.
  15. Ayumi Hamasaki - walking proud (but it'll soon switch to Carols, I swear it's one of her best songs everrrr )
  16. Wasn’t it more or less confirmed that we won’t get the album until next year, earliest? Despite Ben’s “coming soon” teasing.
  17. It's Paradise's 10th anniversary next week. Which means I've been a fan for almost ten years now!
  18. No, but I saw a movie once which felt very AKA-, BTD-esque. I think it was Wonder wheel. I kept thinking the writers must've been a Lana fan, haha.
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