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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. we were complaining so long about her being quiet and doing the same shit all the time and doing nothing new, and then she gives us this.............dis bitch

    Josef Salvat

    correction: it should be out BY september of this year WOOOOOOOOOOO WE COULD GET IT IN JULY OR SOMETHING

    Charli XCX

    omg she is gonna be on Alan Carr!!!!!!! i hope i win this im gonna fucking make her rlease that punk album
  4. she said on twitter "that moment when your 2nd album is more self-deprecating than the first"....which is kinda expected from a title like Masochism, but still give me those i blame myself 2.0s pls indie queen!!!

    Josef Salvat

    he said in a new interview that the album should be out September this year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is way way way way too long away
  6. her unreleased songs are not going to be on HM like guys...chill
  7. please stop like forreal, stop being so pretentious about chart music. all music is literally just different types of noise, no type is superior to another. also stop comparing Lana to musicians of the past, she is NOT the iconic legend that you seem to be perceiving her as + times have changed rather drastically so what deemed as success in the past is not the same now.
  8. i could literally edit wikipedia rn to say that her new album is called Vaginal Fluids, its not a reliable source,,,,,, i hope she does OTTR differently, she seemed to struggle with some of the live performances previously bc of the low notes + fast-paced tempo of the studio version
  9. I find it kinda random that she's suddenly doing uunreleased songs now???? but honestly I am so so happy as well, my heart can't handle the fact we might hear Serial Killer & more UV songs live...also LOL bc ppl are gonna say that she performed "new songs" live..... ALSO WHY IS SHE STILL DOING COLA AND BLUE JEANS
  10. i really hate hot some lana stans act like she's a paragon + timeless icon in the music industry like.....ppl are not going to remember her in 20+ years on the same level as artists like Elvis or John Lennon or Whitney Houston.

    Charli XCX

    i would say "DISRESPECTFUL!!!!!!111!!!" but honestly youve done the lords work by deleting it.....................
  12. srry but i think u need 2 stop being so pretentious about chart music smh....

    Charli XCX

    Sucker was really great for a month or so, but then I kinda saw it for what it really was and it didn't seem so great anymore...i dont purposefully listen to it anymore, but if some tracks come on shuffle (sucker, breaking up, allergic 2 luv, need ur luv, gold coins, superlove, doing it ft rita & money), ill listen.

    Charli XCX

    lana really annoyed me when she abandoned it bc UV was so amazing and deserved so much more...she seemed genuinely happy with it and i believe she left it behind bc of all the bad memories associated (barrie breakup, guardian article etc), so she can *kinda* be forgiven for it. with Charli, i dont really feel like shes abandoning it bc she has stuck to it for some time now (approx 2013 taking SuperLove into account). also, i dont feel like Sucker was an accurate representation of her, so i can kind of understand her "ditching" it more; she clearly doesnt like the tweenager market she's received because of it. idk im looking forward to more music from her that's actually "her".

    Charli XCX

    OUGH I think a vomited a bit
  16. everyone is a copy of someone else before, nobody is unique. mmmm not really, i would say that Taylor is inspired by her, but nobody (imo) has really copied her style or tries to "be her" this is all pretty much speculation and doesn't really prove anything

    Charli XCX

    WHO is that sole artist with a large fanbase who hit on Charli...............................im guessing marina lol
  18. "in the olden days" yes...well...this isn't then. success today can't be measured by the same standards of the past. I don't think Lana is as iconic as you're making her out to be; Born to Die (in particular Video Games) will likely be remembered in 20 years time, but I very much doubt UV will be held in public consciousness for that long, considering what little exposure it had. i completely disagree with your comments about contemporary artists, artists like Mariah Carey are much more likely to be remembered in 50 years time than you think (and this is coming from someone who hates MC).

    Charli XCX

    but WHERE though, thats the real Q

    Charli XCX

    i just really want the original punk Sucker album + X Ray Specs, idrc much about most of her unreleased lol
  21. Blazin' - Nicki Minaj feat. Kanye West
  22. tru................although this is also the person who wrote the lyrics "crying tears of gold like lemonade" LOL. as much as i'd love for it to be something else, i think it is Dad (but not in the sexual way, the father-y way imo)
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