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Everything posted by HEARTCORE


    Charli XCX

    NUCLEARHEART IS THAT U nahhhh, I find it too weird (maybe cause im English Idk)

    Charli XCX

    Breaking Up = SuperLove (ik it's not from the album but idc) > Break the Rules > Boom Clap > Gold Coins >>>>>>>>> London Queen
  3. ALL THOSE GORGEOUS PHOTOS AND THEY CHOSE THAT ONE FOR THE COVER?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?! srsly, these photos look like they're from 2012, i dont like this photoshoot at all. doesnt really fit with the ""natural"" feel of the other UV photoshoots
  4. SO PUMPED FOR THE NEW ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I think the main plot is what is going to happen to the freak show, will Elsa/the twins make it famous, what will happen to Dandy. there's increasing references to other seasons (eg. mention of Pepper's sister), which could grow to be part of the main plot but I'm not entirely sure.
  6. i was kinda shocked when they did *that* thing at the end, but i don't think it was an amazing episode. the tattoo thing didn't really creep me out that much tbh. the dad had planned to do the tattoo thing before he knew it was paul, so it was kinda stupid however, the season as a whole has been pretty decent. nowhere near as skin-crawingly scary and perfect as Asylum, but far better than the atrocities that were Murder House and Coven.
  7. if you had been raped, don't you think that a video such as this would be extremely harmful + damaging to you? or would that just make you a 'sensitive pussy'? seriously grow the fuck up and step out of your ignorant, shitty little bubble.


    the way she says "besides that, I don't like you"
  9. yeah but i wasn't sure whether the museum scene was a flashforward or just a fantasy concocted by stanley/whatever his fucking name is
  10. i was wondering that too - according to AHS Wikia, the guy was just """"imagining"""" how he could have killed them, but i'm really confused to as if the whole museum scene was real or just a fantasy
  11. Yes we did, but it's in black and white. There's a few versions of it lurking around on the internet, you can check 'em out below:
  12. She's performing at Lollapalooza Brazil in March! "First of many live announcements"
  13. yes necessarily - if you are an abuser/potential abuser and hear Eminem rapping about it in such a nonchalant manner, it's going to have an impact on you. there's no doubt about it; it'll validate your actions and make you feel that your behaviour is acceptable. of course, it won't just happen if you hear one person doing it. but Eminem is a small part of a bigger picture of society and the media that subtly (and sometimes explicitly) encourages domestic abuse, especially towards women.
  14. Where the hell did I say that Lana's glorification of physical violence is acceptable? Hmm? I already took up the problem of Lana's apparent pro-abuse message in a lot of her songs in a different thread. This thread is specifically about Eminem's abusive content in his lyrics, not about Lana's. Chill.
  15. But Eminem rapping about domestics violence in this way is going to validate the actions of potential domestic abusers. It's the same as rape jokes - if a potential rapist hears someone tell a rape joke, they're going to think that rape is acceptable because that person has desensitised the severity of rape and has made it seem like not a big deal. It's true that it won't affect every single person but even if it validates the wishes of just one abuser, it still makes it a toxic and harmful song.
  17. Aaaaand the boxsets have sold out again
  18. National Anthem, Jump, West Coast, You Can Be The Boss and Body Electric.
  19. watched Coven, it was kinda sucky tbh storyline is boring and the characters feel recycled from murder house. i thought the initial witchcraft, when they brought the blond guy (forgot his name lol) back was kinda cool in the way they sold their soul to satan, but they didn't end up really pursuing it. then again with the whole Delphine storyline - her treatment of the slaves was so horrific, but, once more, they kinda sidetracked it midseason and focused (wayyyy too much) on the Supreme storyline. delphine & laveau's storylines were tied up far too quickly and just felt rushed at the end. delphine was obviously moved by the civil rights stuff, but then suddenly she goes back to psycho-racist again??? way too cheap imo. what was missing most was that in the previous two seasons, it was about the humans' exploration of the supernatural; the family in Murder House find about ghosts whilst the people in Asylum find out about aliens/the devil/other freaky shit so far (as i haven't started Freak Show yet), i rank the seasons: Asylum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Murder House > Coven
  20. I've always heard 'See you in the hall like hello, hello' instead of 'It's you in the hall like hello, hello'
  21. ppl on marinaboards are complaining because we already had FROOT, so November's FROOT of the Month is pretty much redundant BTW guys, the deluxe signed edition has now sold out on the US store and i'm pretty sure that it's also sold out on the UK store as well, as you can't add it to your basket anymore for those who didn't manage to get it
  22. oops i thought i was on marinaboards lmao im so dumbbbbbbbbbb
  23. i s2g, all i hear is people complaining this era... complaining that the email wasn't sent... complaining that it's being released in april... complaining the froot of this month we've already got... complaining there's no deluxe version... complaining that the video uses a shorter version of the song (just like p&c did)... jesus christ, give it a rest people. sure, you don't have to like everything, but i feel like a lot of people are complaining stupidly.
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