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About Kittren

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  • Birthday 05/22/1989

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  1. Hello Everyone. So I dont know where to post this, so I am asking for help. I have someting Lana related, that I would like to give someone (a Lana fan, most likely from Europe) as a present (I have 2 of it). Someone who had no chance yet to see her in concert for example, but is a big fan of her. How can I manage to do this? Any ideas? Anyone you guys know, who would deserve it? Thank you.
  2. Why are all the t-Shirts are like a f sack? I am not wearing anything like that. Are they selling key chains or something?
  3. I am going to see her In Rom too I have VIP seating tickets (my boyfriend is coming with me too), I am really excited. Second time seeing her, gonna be amazing.
  4. You got lucky Well, I am going too, should have been less expensive with the pre-sale code for me, but that is good, we will enjoy it, and it is worth it. I just gonna sell one VIP package online I guess
  5. You had a pre-sale code? I did not. And I thought it wont sell with the pre-sale codes that much, but I was so wrong. I decided to go to Rom, and on Friday, only sh-ty places were available, or Early entry and Hot tickets. And I did not wanted to spend on it that much, because I give this Rom holiday to my boyfriend as a Christmas present (4 days, flights and hotel), and I also invited him to the concert. But at the end I ended up with 2 Hot tickets. My boyfriend knows some Lana songs, he likes those, but that is all. I need to train him til the concert.
  6. Sam here, but just in Rom. If it is let me do it. It is red
  7. anybody trying to get tickets to Rom or Milan? why it is not available??
  8. She announce stuff sometimes way too early. But I am patient, most of the cases the waiting worth it.
  9. Kittren

    Taylor Swift

    I like Taylor Swift´s songs. I do not really like Taylor Swift. I like the new song (I mean both), the music video is really cool, but I think the video has a point, but all the scenes are just a big mess, half of it would have been enough. And I think the hype is a bit too much, my fb feed is full with it, every second article is about TS and the new video, and what that means and blahblah.
  10. So except for Love, Lust for life and Coachella, all the songs are first times for me! Love: I immediately loved this song with the first listen. Beautiful, positive, out of this worls. Even my bf love this song. Lust for life: Also a big love, I like The Weeknd in the track, their voices fit. 13 Beaches: Kind of a new sound to me in this song. The intro sucked me in the song. Cherry: The chorus is my fav part of the song. Definately love it. White Mustang: Not a fan of the chorus, the verses sounds good. Summer Bummer: Interesting song for sure, this slow hip hop is not bad. Needs to grow on me for sure. Verse 3 is a good part. I need more listens for sure. Groupie Love: Honestly, I do not know what to think about this song. So neautral. In my feelings: Absolutely amazing! Verse 1 is everything, the first line is brilliant Coachella - Woodstock in my mind: I heard it once before, does not really stucked in my head, or liked it. Second listen does not changed it. The outro is cool. God bless America: The songs meaning is clear, and I like it, it is important! The song itself is ok, not a fan of the chorus. Could still grow on me. When the world was at war: She uses a lot of high notes on this album, I realized at this point. I know it is a dark song, but it feels kind of positive to me. Beautiful people, beautiful problems: Simply love it, amazing song. Brings out feeling. Tomorrow never came: Special song, with Sean Lennon´s voice. Definately unique. Heroin: I definately love the song. This line bought me: I'm flying to the moon again, dreaming about marzipan Taking all my medicine to take my thoughts away ​Change: Beautiful song.Love. Love. Love Get free: Positive, more upbeat, perfect ending of the record. Favorites: In my feelings, Get free, Change, Cherry, Love, Summer Bummer (I feel it needs to be on this list), 13 Beaches, Tomorrow never came, Lust for life I like the record overall. Good songs, good lyrics, it is relaxing. What I missing is some of that vintage sound. I hope you know guys what I am talking about. It is not my favorite record from her, I am not hiding this fact. I think her pervious albums have better themes, and more colourful sounds. This albums is soft, the songs are really similar, but I have to admit the ASAP Rocky songs bringing freshness into the album.
  11. I am strating to my Lana experience now. Got dinner, had some nice shower, had 4-5 glasses of wine (small ones). I am so excited
  12. I listened their first 2 albums a lot. I was ateenager, everybody loved them. I still love those songs. Rest in piece Chester, I hope you found your happier place now.
  13. The album is really goes to a happier path, or it has still some dark lyrics?
  14. Does anyone know good youtubers, who covers Lana songs amazingly? I really like Alice Kristiansen, but I do not like all her Lana covers. She has really good ones, but some of them are too much, or the song itself loses the magic.
  15. THanks I think so too, but sometimes I am just unsure about myself. I am figuring out the details this week, I really want to have an amazing and quality alone time with new Lana music. Any suggestion welcomed That is amazing, I wish I would do that. But we already wrapped our speakers in the original package, ready to move when the time comes. So I need to deal with my Sony headphone. But I do not see it as a problem.
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