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niandra lades

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  1. niandra lades liked a post in a topic by Valerie in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    Lmao as if Lana was in any cult. Just like "I've never had any work done to my face"  
  2. niandra lades liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Oh I do discriminate against others, it's a character flaw I'm aware of and actively working on. It's still not fair to assume that not liking a specific group of like 6 individuals means you subconsciously hate/fear everyone in the world that has things in common with them. Do you really think it's about their damn hair color? Do you really think it's about their addresses? Really?
    I'm sure there are a few people on this site who are not only jealous of Lana's friends, but Lana herself. And I know there are a few people who are jealous of these people's "LA lifestyle". But I really don't think that's the overall sentiment. This hater thing has gotten so old. Not everybody "hates you" because they ain't you. Sometimes people just don't like things. So that's something to keep in mind. Not everything is rooted in jealousy, bitterness and/or prejudice.
    I find it cute too. Tells me nothing though. I've watched people driving around in the middle of a snowstorm to give food, clothes & blankets to the homeless, and then turn around and scam their friends and family out of thousands of dollars. Many awful people are involved with charity, sometimes even going as far as to start their own charities. You don't know racists who've dedicated their whole lives to saving animals or fighting for (white) women's rights? You don't know extremely hateful homophobes who have gone above & beyond to defend the rights of racial minorities? Many people pretend to care about all kinds of causes, strictly for their image. Many people genuinely care about some causes, genuinely love & care about certain groups, but don't care about or even outright hate others.
    And lastly, many people are just genuinely giving & charitable. They truly want to help others & better society in any way they can. It's not about publicity, it's not about pats on the back, it's not about college applications or resumes...they are kind, selfless people doing the best they can. Now, results matter, they definitely do. If you're helping, you're helping, regardless of your motives & feelings. But unless I know someone personally, or know a lot about them, I can neither bash them for deceitfulness/hypocrisy that may not be true nor praise them for selflessness they may not possess. The person you're referring to, I haven't even seen more than once. Clicked on her profile, but didn't even really scroll through her posts. So I can't even judge her based on vibes and shit, I haven't paid enough attention to be able to do that.
    The people you choose to surround yourself with are often a reflection of yourself, but not always. Sometimes they're a reflection of your poor judgement. But you're right, you really are, she isn't the girl I thought she was at all. Or, rather, she's almost exactly the girl I thought she was when I first heard about her. Sad how things come full circle like that. But hey, at least it's becoming increasingly apparent I should trust my intuition more lol
  3. BBMbby liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  4. BBMbby liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    She's really asking the gays to hate her... Maybe she feeds off it... No album, and now she attends homophobic churches. Lolol.
  5. Downtown Baby Doll liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Always thought that the repetitive Fresh linen fresh linen part in Fine China is her weeping, not "laziness".
    Anyway. How can I be the only one that has never liked Happiness is a butterfly. A no no from me.
  6. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  7. movebaby liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  8. theweightofthehours liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    She's really asking the gays to hate her... Maybe she feeds off it... No album, and now she attends homophobic churches. Lolol.
  9. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  10. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  11. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    She's really asking the gays to hate her... Maybe she feeds off it... No album, and now she attends homophobic churches. Lolol.
  12. fl0ridakil0s liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  13. Atomic Piggy liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she's not in a good place mentally. Seems quite lost. I think it's obvious. Even if it's not her trying to find meaning to her life (maybe it's not what she thought it would be by now - hence her tweet) and it being her following her friends... Why would you follow your friends so blindly? ... But I don't know nothing tho
  14. Atomic Piggy liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    She's really asking the gays to hate her... Maybe she feeds off it... No album, and now she attends homophobic churches. Lolol.
  15. Starsx liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    Lololol that's what I'm thinking. She really tags along to anything. Just like she did w trap music.
  16. Fetish liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    Yep, I know, but at the same time the Church IS against gay people. Come on.. THE POPE said Gay people have to go to therapy as kids.
    So, why is it OK for Lana to be Catholic and NOT for her to go to Hillsong or whatever other church. It's all a cult. Others cult-esque nature is more notorious because it's in a smaller scale and Catholic/Christian Church is super big and super accepted. What I'm trying to say... Doesn't make her homophobic at least per se, and we don't even know if she actually gives her money to their institution and if she does... Well, easy to just not support buying her stuff. Otherwise IDK what to say.
    And this is coming from a Very Religious person btw. It's a cult. I don't subscribe to many of their statements and Idgaf what the Vatican says about Gay people, Women or sex.
  17. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    It must be fun knowing you can just mumble and breathe for 30 seconds and all your fans will scream...
    I'm too wore down tbh but I'm so happy she delivered k miss her so much 
  18. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Why did she started teasing it A YEAR AGO wtf she's a mess.. I'm so mad
  19. Fetish liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    Lololol that's what I'm thinking. She really tags along to anything. Just like she did w trap music.
  20. niandra lades liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    too bad she hasn't released a good song since 2012 :/
  21. jvcx liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    Lololol that's what I'm thinking. She really tags along to anything. Just like she did w trap music.
  22. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    We all know by now Lana isn't exactly the brightest lamp out there, but maybe she found out what Hillsong does with gay people and decided to switch? Or maybe she already knew and just wanted fans to STFU.
    It's just dumb to hate on her NOW as if she wasn't a Catholic all her life.
  23. niandra lades liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    at least now we can stop making excuses for them and hypothesizing that they might be nice people
  24. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by niandra lades in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    Lololol that's what I'm thinking. She really tags along to anything. Just like she did w trap music.
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