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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. The way the collectors on here are eating this up, will be disregarding the value of money, and WILL be getting them all (myself included)...
  2. I just got the UO vinyl - now I have all the revealed vinyl variants except for the red vinyl with Neil’s cover. Has anyone from North America ordered from JB Hi-Fi? They’re the only retailer that seems feasible for me right now and ships the red vinyl to Canada. If anyone in NA has ordered from them before, can you tell me what your experience with them was like? Thank you
  3. Yeah, exactly what I thought! I guess the 2 LP means another edition is coming then? I wonder what it could be, unless it’s just an error?
  4. ^ I’m confused now too...are the vinyls on her webstore only 1 LP then? Because when NFR came out it was listed specifically as a double LP and the image of it had 2 vinyls. I know that someone on here said the dimensions and weight of the product on Amazon was the same as a gatefold, but Violet was a gatefold and it only had 1 LP.
  5. Exactly! I find that as Lana grows both in her life and as an artist, her music ripens - like we said, I love everything she’s done so much and I would never pit her records against each other. But I do think that Jack brings out a side of her that bares her artistic spirit and integrity all the more. Norman and Violet are such beautifully-crafted projects and you’re so right. I think they’re an amazing team and really bring out the best in each other. Lana’s voice and delivery of lyrics has become so much more an instrument in her music since she started with Jack as he kind of lets her lead the song, rather than having a heavier beat dictate the pulse or have a sweeping string part guide Lana. And of course, I love every song of hers that does that - again, I would never want to discredit her past work. It’s just that with Jack, Lana is the one who commands the entire song more than ever before. I love the vulnerability and organicity that he brings to her artistry. It’s soulful and I think the room he gives her to breathe sonically has encouraged her to go deeper on all levels. Ugh, we already talk about this all the time, but you always just get it! I’m so excited for Chemtrails and I can’t wait to discuss it all with you! <3
  6. That song is about a girl who’s cheating on her boyfriend with numerous people, hence, it makes him feel like he’s “on lockdown like a penitentiary” - he feels imprisoned by his cheating partner. I wouldn’t call someone who is upset about being cheated on an “incel”.
  7. I got Standard Black (Official Store) Grey (Official Store) Transparent (Official Store) Yellow (Resident Indies Exclusive) Beige (Amazon) and hopefully if the pastel green UO cover has the Neil cover, that one! If not, then I’ll just get the red vinyl from Australia or Europe and pay extra for the shipping and all that lol! If the alleged Walmart exclusive vinyl has a different cover + limited colour I’ll probably get that as well, and of course the rumoured picture discs that will be coming soon!
  8. I love all of Lana’s records so much and there is not a single song in her discography that I dislike but I have to say - the vulnerability and intimacy of her entire artistic output as of late is totally enchanted by her vocals sitting atop a piano-driven instrumental. Songs like Let Me Love You Like a Woman and Chemtrails Over the Country Club have this quality to them that is subdued and defiant in a quiet way. Maybe my sensibility is just more rooted in something folkier and stripped down, but I love the richness of her voice with Jack’s production and the clarity of the piano. That being said, I also do love Rick Nowels’s, Dan Auerbach’s, Emile Haynie’s, and whoever else’s production - so so much. Again, I love everything. But I think at this particular stage in Lana’s life and career, Jack Antonoff really does an amazing job of conveying this stripped-down musical landscape that harkens back to Lana’s roots and showcases how she doesn’t need to hide behind any extravagant production (not that she EVER did, because everything she’s done, in my opinion, is amazing - and it’s been because of her, not solely because of any production ) - but it just goes to show that a song like Let Me Love You Like a Woman has a staying power and timelessness that is the result of Lana’s pure vocals, earnest lyricism, and a simple piano. She doesn’t need a lot to shine - but when she does go bigger, she still shines just as much.
  9. Aw, of course! <3 @recklessdaughter mentioned that the lyric links to Breaking Up Slowly where she says “I love you only and it’s making me blue” so I feel like that makes a lot of sense!
  10. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    Fine China vs. Yes to Heaven
  11. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs. Fine China
  12. Ok good, I just bought it! I thought it was legit since it’s Amazon, but I’m just so wary these days. Thank you so much!
  13. Lol I know right?! The only retailer that ships to where I am (which is Canada) is JB Hi-Fi, an Australian store - but it’s so expensive! It’s double the price - and I already bought the other 5 vinyl variants so I really need UO to have it
  14. This may be a dumb question, but has anyone ordered the beige vinyl on Amazon.com yet? Is that posted by Lana’s team/Interscope or is it a scam I know the variant is real but I’m concerned about the seller.
  15. I completely agree! I think the 'candidness' of it is quite charming (hence, why this is in the unpopular opinions thread ) but I really love it and I feel a sense of happiness when I see it - which is interesting, because normally when I've seen Lana's past album covers I'm blown away by the composition and the colour scheme, and the artistry, and the symbolism of it and how it links to the album's narrative - but this time, I just noticed how familiar the album cover felt. And paired with the video, I actually felt the most emotional response I've ever felt to anything related to Lana's image. I love the message it conveys and it makes me want to lean into this community aspect that I feel we've all kind of been isolated from since this pandemic started. It's beautiful.
  16. I love the standard cover of Chemtrails. It’s a happy and beautiful depiction of womanhood, and really feels like a black and white archival image of a domestic life and secure family home. It’s beautiful.
  17. I just need UO to hurry up with their exclusive vinyl to see if it’s the regular cover or the Neil one so I can know if I’m going to get that or just deal with all the hassle of getting the red vinyl (!!)
  18. That’s what I heard, but I feel like since the alternate cover is being sold by more retailers than HMV, the insider meant that UO’s cover is a cover that we’ve already seen so it’s not purely exclusive to them (as the “exclusiveness” of the alternate cover has kinda become obsolete since it’s sold widely). I’m hoping it’s the alt cover!
  19. Not yet I’m hoping that when UO reveals their exclusive this week, it’s the alternate cover (since the vinyl is pastel green, which would fit perfectly)!
  20. I don’t think it’s necessarily that, but rather the fact that there are actual tweets saying both of the things you said she hears. In 2011 everyone doubted her credibility because of her father, saying he bought her career since she has “no talent.” She was a new artist in the public eye and I can imagine people chalking up her career to a parent’s alleged money coupled with the backlash of SNL and the polarizing reviews of BTD (which often had more to do with her image than her music) traumatized her. And all of 2020, I’ve seen so many tweets of people saying Lana looks “racist”, stuff that says “she looks like she’d hate crime me” and don’t get me started on some of the photoshopped images of her with confederate flags, posing with Trump. That’s damaging - I know I would absolutely feel defensive and protective of myself if I saw people creating damaging images and portrayals of me. Her own fans do it - @/gayjailer on Instagram is notorious for doing that. I’m not saying that she shouldn’t access resources to learn more - we all can, as our world is ever-changing and it’s important to be aware of what’s going on - but her defending herself against several misrepresentations shouldn’t be seen as big of a deal as it’s being made. Btw I’m not saying this at you, I’m just using what you said as a prompt to point this out.
  21. Aw, of course! I think so - I feel like she’s saying that the media’s manipulation of Lana’s comments and Lana’s intentions/portrayal of herself on her own account through her music creates a discrepancy. And that discrepancy leads to accountability becoming a grey area from both parties because there are so many juxtapositions going on - so it’s best to be discerning and to be able to form your own opinion on what’s going on and the only way to do that is to actually confront what you’re doing in your life and how you are. I agree with her statement - I think there’s a lot of projection in the culture right now and a lot of things aren’t really being translated well across the pond.
  22. I don’t think she’s necessarily saying “we” are the narcissists and psychopaths in question, but rather we should see the lack of self-awareness in these political figures and conduct more extensive self-examinations and changes in our lives that result in a collective positive outcome since the people in power aren’t.
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