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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. Yes, we have done a LanaBoards Demographics Survey for at least two years now! Kindly coordinated by @Frangipani. I’m in the same boat as you, but I think luckily we’re the median-ish age lol.
  2. Wow at some users being 13 with NFR…I am a bit surprised at members’ ages here. But hopefully that registers with people around here to show more understanding and empathy in our interactions, given the differences in age
  3. Yeah, I think it was a typo OR she meant “turn off” as in “kick off” (and just made up her own little phrase, as she often does lol. Colloquialism-inventing queen!) Nonetheless, I think we can safely conclude that there will be shows throughout the summer.
  4. I can’t predict my ranking, but I do know that I’m especially looking forward to Fingertips and Grandfather. Every song on the album is going to be incredible though, I can already tell!
  5. I say this ahead of every album release, but I really think this one will be a contender for one of her best (if not the best)!
  6. Her publicist, Stephen Huvane!
  7. Waiting for someone to say that they should have closed this thread instead of the tunnel under Ocean Blvd…
  8. Omg yes!! I watched their hour-long debrief of meeting Lana and being at the show, and it was so cute. They seem as genuine as she is, so I see why she loves them.
  9. I love this ❤️ And I feel the same exact way. Blue Banisters is probably the album of Lana’s that I resonate with most closely from a purely thematic and lyrical standpoint - and I think it really shows her humanness. I love what you’ve written here about “perfection” that adheres to a formulaic standard not being the point of the record because I feel so often that the sonics of this record come under such scrutiny. But really - it’s the words and her voice that carry all the weight for me, and the reason I’m a fan of 12 years. I’m excited for Ocean Blvd for the same reasons as well, and I’m so glad she’s going to delve deeper into the narrative that began on Blue Banisters.
  10. I really love her evolution in songwriting - I will always hold a lot of reverie for the older records, but her lyrical and poetic sensibility of the last three years reflects an introspection that is really, really inspiring.
  11. The way I don’t even know what the lyric is because I haven’t been reading the spoilers and I just jumped into the conversation because I was interested 💀 but you have me excited to hear that song even more now and see the discursive threads that run in the song. We can continue this discussion in the post-release or lyric thread in 3 weeks <3
  12. Oh you’re so real for this. We have “fun” here all the time - so I think we should partake in these spontaneous, deeper social conversations inspired by the music more often!
  13. I’m not sure if you’re referring to what I said, but I just want to clarify that I totally agree with what you’re saying here and that my statement was not inclusive/justifying of any sort of intolerance of the kinds you’ve mentioned! Just tying it back to the example of Lana and her past experiences of being excluded from mainstream feminist conversations. Thank you for bringing this up because it’s so important to make that distinction.
  14. I don’t know too much about Annie Mac, but the monolithic kind of feminism you mention here is exactly the kind of mob that has come for Lana time and time again. Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth suggesting that Lana kill herself is exactly the kind of abolitionist, moral exile that extreme thinkers — in any direction — do to people who don’t fit their agenda. And it’s also super black-and-white when pretty much every issue is nuanced. I can know what my values are without feeling the need to dictate the kind of political or theoretical framework people use to interpret their own experiences - but that’s something that both sides often struggle with. And it’s become worsened with the accessibility of discourses online where social regulation of dialogue is less controlled (in the sense of etiquette, not in the sense of free speech and ideas being out in the open)
  15. I think people see what they want to see in lyrics a lot of time, but to be completely frank - there is always a mixture of darkness and lightness in Lana’s work, and she’s never not broaching the reality of life in her songs. Regardless of how that’s presented, there’s a lot of reading between the lines that needs to be done in order to really see the depth of her writing. And I think that’s masterful on her part, because then she totally lets the listener take as much as they want away from her writing without there having to be any explicit reveal OR withdrawal of detail from her.
  16. OMG I cannot wait. Glastonbury 2014 is one of her most iconic shows ever played so this is gonna be good
  17. I haven’t listened to anything other than the released songs but I already know she’s outdone herself. The way she carried herself last night and talked about emotionally processing the theme of family in one of the interviews indicates this. I feel like this is the end of a karmic cycle that first presented itself in May 2020. It’s as though her karmic lineage and grief of the last 3 years has been worked through to a point of relief. Lana winning the award and connecting with the other women in music stands for much more than just those two acts - it’s emblematic of her triumph and a happiness (as declared in her speech) that has finally been grasped. I hope I’m right.
  18. Coming back to say that she owned last night. It felt like a culmination of so many things, both stylistically and in terms of what she said in her speech + interviews. The feeling you get is like, comparable to seeing your mom get the whole world lol.
  19. What has happened in the last 24 hours? Seriously. The album partly leaking, Lana getting her flowers but then YouTube fucking up the audio and video sending us all into a frenzy, Jared finally seeing the light, and lilac heaven leaving? March Madness has begun. 22 days!
  20. This is going to be a moment we remember on LanaBoards lol. To quote "In The Hills of Benedict Canyon" –
  21. Aw. She looked gorgeous up there and I loved her emphasis on happiness over anything else. The way she speaks inspires me. Here's to hoping her little intro video, Olivia's part, and the full speech get uploaded though.
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