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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. This - I love everything she’s done and the reality is that all the production choices are hers. It’s not like the producers are the ones deciding the sound for her, she’s the one who makes the call at the end of the day!
  2. Can I just say - the rising synths in the background of Wildflower Wildfire’s second chorus before the beat drops oh my god
  3. I totally agree! By the time she finished Norman (mid-2019) she already had White Dress, White Hot Forever, Wild at Heart, and Let Me Love You Like a Woman. By the time she finished Chemtrails in summer 2020 she only had (at least we can only speculate) Dealer and RCS/LYTAN, but maybe those weren’t contenders for the album at the time. I think once she had BB and TB in October 2020, she had a clearer picture (since Gabe Simon said those songs started the record) and everything that she had just kind of written over the last year came into fruition as full songs over the last 7 months.
  4. I don’t think the clips from the BB snippet were recycled from a scrapped video for a song off Chemtrails - by the time she filmed it (November 24, 2020) she already had at least 4 songs for this album (BB, TB, Dealer, RCS/LYTAN). Plus, I don’t think she would cast her fiancé in a video for a song about an ex. It’s possible that the full BB video is coming OR it’s like the MAC/VB visualizers, with Lana just overlaying a brief part of BB on a video for something else that’s coming later.
  5. I have to agree with you on this (although let’s be real, I usually always find myself on the same page as you) - Lana’s gift truly does lie in her writing. I feel like the writing on these three songs - and most likely on the whole record and the next poetry book - is a testament to the writer she’s always had in her that she’s finally unleashing the full potential of. She’s always been a gifted writer - the earliest songs of both her released and unreleased catalogue have proven that - but I have to say, this evolution she’s undergone is the only right way she could have progressed. I am seriously so happy and excited for where her career is going to take her, and how her artistry is only going to continue to flourish. The levels of introspection and self-reflection she’s conducted on these three tracks alone only solidify her need to be inducted into the songwriting hall of fame. Even an accolade as esteemed as that isn’t enough to commemorate how gifted of a writer she is.
  6. IanadeIrey

    Text Book

    I think when she says “you touched the detriment most of the friends I knew already had” she means that her friends had already touched that detriment, not that they themselves had the detriment (it took me a minute to get that too LOL). Through their interactions with her, they had previously magnified the same familial scar on Lana that Sean later did (the “you” she addresses).
  7. Thank you so much for being sweet as always <3
  8. Omg no worries! No need to apologize! I wasn’t meaning to call you or anyone out, I’m just surprised that people liked it enough to share it LOL! <3
  9. Hehe thank you for having my back though bestie I see u
  10. I made this and posted it in this thread last week! Do you know who shared it?
  11. It sounds like a bitcrusher to me and I love it too! The crunchiness of it evokes in my mind the imagery of embers sparking out from a wildfire
  12. I think it would be so cool if she did a green + gray double LP variant for the vinyl in reference to the title track (along with the album cover of course )
  13. I actually don’t think that’s true - the producer of two of the songs (Gabe Simon) confirmed that the songs were written in October of 2020 and were, in Lana’s mind, the start of a follow-up to Chemtrails. Chemtrails was done being written in February 2020 and was mastered in the summer. I think the natural evolution of the themes is just because Lana’s records are her life-story. Rule of thumb, btw, Twitter is notorious for spreading misinformation like that - I also saw that post you’re referring to
  14. I would love if Wildflower Wildfire was the opener. It would be so fitting if the opening lines of the whole album were, “Here’s the deal...’cause I know you wanna talk about it.” It’s like her addressing fans and critics simultaneously. Plus, it’s sonically powerful and sets the tone for the fact that this record is Lana telling her own story. And I know the title tracks are always track 1 or 2 (and following our pattern, it should be track 1) but I actually think it would be impactful if she made it the closer. It ends on a hopeful note and is all about how her sisters have helped her heal from all the trauma she’ll likely explore throughout the rest of the album.
  15. Yessss LOL hmmm...if she doesn’t do that, I might just have to do that myself once the album’s out
  16. Yes, please I know some people were really against the idea of the cover being a response to her critics when I brought it up the other day but there’s clearly an intention there. And the way you described it too, her staring straight into the camera with this very fed-up look made me love it more . I hope she uses it because it will be her most allegorical cover
  17. I would assume she's saying that her threshold for pain is quite high. She's desensitized to being "burned" because her "father never stepped in when his wife would rage at [her]", with rage being the operative word (as "raging" is often used to describe a fire). So things that are actually "hot" in the literal sense (like fire, the weather, and coffee) don't impair her or harm her nearly as much. And then following that, she vows to never be like her mother - the "wildfire" in question, that she vows to never turn into.
  18. I love Nicki and would love a collab but that’s totally fake there’s a website called uberduck.ai with computer-generated voices that sample celebrities. Nicki is listed under the “rapper” category alongside Kanye West. I’ve seen people use her voice on that site all over social media LOL It’s the same thing as that fake laptop demo called Cleopatra - it was just a computer-generated Lana-sampled-voice.
  19. IanadeIrey

    Text Book

    Yes, I totally agree with you here as well! I also like how "shining stars" is a nod to the American flag, which could perhaps refer to the patriotism that came between them, despite Lana incorporating that imagery into her earlier work (although I would say her use was more pop-culture oriented in terms of iconography, not values which she implies Sean held. But I like how the imagery of "shining stars" could be a symbol of that great American 'familiarity' he exuded to her). I'm excited to hear her divulge more about her life - she totally doesn't have to, but I'm super grateful that she is <3 I really feel connected to Lana so I'm looking forward to understanding her more intimately as well
  20. IanadeIrey

    Text Book

    I think the BLM line is layered in that it represents the spirit or set of values she inherited from her father that maybe she wasn't free to express in her home environment, which then manifested itself into her relationship with Sean. BLM is a much-needed response to Sean's line-of-work so I think her inclusion of it in the song sheds light on how she psychologically separated herself from him (both during and after their relationship). I do think it is also an indicator of her solidarity with the movement as a response to accusations she's faced over the last year, but for the reasons I listed above, I don't think that was her sole reason for including it. Without being intrusive, I wonder if her attending the protests caused a slight rift between her and Sean, inspiring her to include that in the song as one of the ways in which they're "different," a realization that "could set [her] free".
  21. I think the term 'pop' has evolved over time to encompass a very universal sound of music that is easily palatable. I don't say that in a way to discredit pop artists, but I wouldn't categorize Lana's music as 'easily digestible' - her 'hits' have never been as glossy and lyrically-straightforward as some of the music that tops the charts these days.
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