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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. Girl That Got Away is SUCH a fucking bop, and so underrated! I love it <3
  2. why did i immediately think of dina lohan lmao anyway yeah gullibility knows no age but some people can be really good at fooling others
  3. aww, budget queen <3 lizzy's spirit is taking over y'all
  4. I love her selfie too, angel baby indeed <3 everything else about this i hate
  5. that's why when ur a little bitch like certain label owners i won't name, u need to hire body guards scarier than the artists you're pissing off ain't nobody messing w the 6'6 cokehead throwing u on ur office walls
  6. This is why I hate big labels, the artists are never really in control and nothing you do matters (unless you happen to have a great relationship w them). My ex went n beat up the head of his label, guess what nothing happened, nothing changed, he still wasn't allowed to do what he wanted w his album, they didn't even let him choose the goddamn cover
  7. If they give her too much shit, I fully expect the album to "leak"
  8. I'm...not at all excited and it makes me sad. I feel like this is the kind of thing that should at least bring a smile to my face. It didn't. I just don't care at all. I thought I'd care at least a little. It's like I've fallen out of love, it's weird. Few things bring me joy these days and I remember how excited I was during the LFL era before the album was released. I remember feeling happy just thinking about it. I hope I'll be able to feel that way again, during the next "era", if there is one. Because now, I feel nothing. She could drop the album right now, and I'd feel nothing. I hate that. I hope this goes back to being fun again.
  9. the wheat grass was potent today
  10. I need to check her transits jesus christ she's so random
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