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  1. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Whip the F*gg*ts, a bonus track featuring her church friends
  2. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Roll With me in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    We're getting closer to 3500th page. Can this pre-release thing be over already? (although I hate post-release threads)
  3. movebaby liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  4. Elle liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  5. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  6. ultravioli liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  7. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  8. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Maybe Lana will make Ben & Ed break into fans' homes and steal back every copy of NFR to keep their jobs
  9. Foxglove liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  10. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Good song ruined by bad production
  11. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Interesting take considering that song didn't leak so you really don't know how it sounds. 
  12. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can also imagine Lana deducting two inches for bad behavior
  13. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    That's pretty creepy but so is his new haircut.
    Actually he hasn't liked any of her shit for ages so maybe she really did dump him because of that moustache and/or haircut.
  14. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I didn't expect to like Fiily that much
  15. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Ultradealerence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Maybe the way that I’m living is clowning me.
    Do you also hear some kind of a storm and reversed samples of BTD in cinnamon girl?
  16. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Fuque it, I love you is the Cherry of this era and not Cinnamon Girl,period

    chase is in my veins 
  17. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    You're all deaf, our intellectual queen clearly says "chess is in my veins, running out of time". She is running out of time to play her turn and pick her next move. It makes perfectly sense.
  18. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Chicken Parmesan in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    lana when she made the carmen bridge
  19. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    ... I want to CRY.
    ETA: But that would mean Jesus is "runnin' out of time" ...
  20. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    send him all our love and thanks for his contributions, i miss his charming wit
  21. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well I think the "shoot up my veins in neon", "drink lime green" etc, all ties into the theory that MoreBannedThanYou and I have that "neon" is like ... the lure of fame, money, etc.
    So in other words, she used to shoot it up, drink it, buy into it.
    That's why the neon aurora is in the Californian sky in the MV.
    "Dream a little dream of me" etc ... it's about people having this perception of her that she's rich and famous and everything is wonderful, etc.
    ETA: Oh yeah and the "I wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine" is her lamenting that fame can't love her back.
  22. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    @@MoreCruelThanYou is dead and we were discussing the double MV in the spiritual realm. His spirit sent me his thoughts via the ouija board. It took me 3 days to write it all down.
    These are our thoughts (okay, mostly his):
    So remember when she put out the L4L tracklist and all the songs were handwritten in different colours? The red/ pink tracks were coloured by love/passion/ and hopeful undertones (Love & Get Free, etc), the blue tracks were coloured by emotion (In My Feelings, Coachella and Heroin, etc), the yellow (13 Beaches) isn't coloured by anything, it's just her talking real to us, and the green tracks were coloured by being money hungry i.e. songs she thought would sell well (Summer Bummer and Groupie Love, etc).   So basically, going by this theory, I think the lime green in the lyrics and on her eyeliner in FIILY is meant to symbolize money taking over her career and her artistic vision. Like she really doesn't want to sing anymore, and might feel forced into performing. This is why she is crying and has tears in her eyes in the water. The ocean and nature are where she feels free, especially in the scenes where she is surfing. But even that freedom is being taken advantage of by her managers and the general public, which is shown through her and Muscle Beach Baby being broadcast "fake surfing" on the TV. Muscle Beach Baby also represents how she feels society pressures her to be associated with a man in order to be successful (which also relates to the reasons she put Duke on the NFR cover. She is trying to reverse the standard of women being eye candy and being a "prop" for men).   When she's painting in the video, all the colours are blue or yellow. She purposely doesn't include green because she does not want her art to be affected by sales. The neon green can also be related back to the windbreaker on the NFR cover. The green windbreaker is shielding her from the ocean spray, in the same way that money making tactics are shielding her music from being as authentic as she wants it to be.   Her nails are yellow on the NFR cover and in the MV, hearkening back to 13 Beaches being yellow on the Lust for Life handwritten tracklist. She uses her hands and fingers to make art and she wants her art to be "something real" as 13 Beaches states. So basically, Fuck it I love you is the money grabbing song and The Greatest is what she really feels and wants to say from the heart. She is tired and worn out by having to fit into society's (and her managers') archetypal imagery of her in order to make money for them. She just wants to make real art but can't and feels that she has sold out for the gp and is regretting it. Anyway, that's my interpretation of it.
    -- MoreCruelThanYou
  23. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    these fake lyrics are quoted so much that i don't even remember what the real lyrics are...like i have no fuckin idea what to expect instead
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