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About Polterklaus

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  1. Who the fuck is actually anticipating a new Demi Lovato album!?
  2. I'd be delighted if she penned some songs with Justin Parker.
  3. Highly disappointed of what? 10 seconds? OK THEN
  4. Great pictures and report! I'm fucking JEALOUS you got to the front row. Would have loved to meet you guys. First time I saw her live. I loved seeing all those people on the street and in concert wearing flower crowns. Ride was my personal highlight. I don't know, it must be the song. I just riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide. Or fuck you hard in the pouring rain in Born To Die. And Lana looked amazing in that dress. She sounded great and seemed to enjoy herself on the stage and the crowd. Sadly it was over so soon. Seriously, those 1,5h happened in a flash. Btw what happened with the white balloons? Anyone knows? Check out some more pics I took that evening in the spoiler below.
  5. The show was really AMAZING. Find some pictures I took below in the spoiler.
  6. I LOVE her hair when she's twirling in the dark.
  7. The sheer beauty of Sad Girl brought tears to my eyes. It's insane.
  8. It's the perfect song for a walk in the sun. FANTASTIQUE.
  9. YES they are shooting on film! It's coming.
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