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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. I can’t wait for the review of Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard? On Red Scare. Their blue bannisters review was great and we know those whores who stan Morrisey wont attack her for not masking/being a glamorous person/not being entirely woke
  2. Sweet will be the dark horse of the album. Calling it now Brethen unite! American whoredom is here
  3. Elizabeth Woolridge Grant AKA GOD composed of THE TRINITY: may Jailer, Lizzy Grant and Lana Del Rey Her Old Testament (Sirens - Honeymoon) and her New Testament ( LFL- infinity) Praise Be! God Bless!
  4. I cant wait to get fucked to american whore by my soulmate tonight. Je suis un whore americain!
  5. Liz Taylor Blues


    Unfaithful is still her best song. Remains untopped
  6. We have always been allowed to use the word fag on here. See the Lanaboards Slurs Thread debacle from last year between me and some annoying noob sjw.
  7. open me up Tell Me You Like It FUCK ME TO DEATH LOVE ME UNTIL I LOVE MYSELF don't forget me like the tunnel under ocean boulevard
  8. Whats far more interesting is how lana changes deom love me until i love myself to fuck me until i love myself as the song hoes on. Settling? Or casting off societies expectations? Something to think about!
  9. As she should its literally instituting the matrix and the one world order and im on way too much crack to finish this thought just know i did the math Its totally marred and drive by the way.
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