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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. I will be voting for Marianne Williamson or Bernie Sanders or Nina Turner. That said if Lana is picked as VP then obviously I would be proud to cast my vote for her
  2. Uh oh..... I want an unhinged lana album like nobody else but......this is kind of concerning. I hope she's doing well.
  3. You’ll need to be a bit more subtle than that Ben and Ed
  4. I still don’t know who ethel cain is and I’m okay with that
  5. Every Pop Crave follower together has a combined 20 IQ points…. And all the retweets it’s the same fucking (bad) joke. I hate neolib twinks so much. So annoying. Many people are saying they are the worst demographic. Sad! Ikr i saw this was a hot topic….. I was expecting something happened. Nope. Nonsense as usual. If you think twitter or god forbid tik tok is real life…you should be on mod queue so we aren’t always on false alarm.
  6. Lana stans secretly hate lana I swear bc whenever she seems to be happy do their damnedest to spoil that….like why do you care who she dates? That’s deranged. You aren’t actually friends. She doesnt know you exist and you don’t have a say in her life. She’s basically 40 wtf she doesn’t need y’all nannying her. She’s wild and free. Let her date a sexy deranged artist if thats what she wants. You’ll need a miracle. Y’all are why she’s ready to leave L.A….and apparently go to jail to escape you freaks and frankly that’s valid.
  7. We just love setting ourselves up for disappointment don’t we?
  8. Some of y’all are clearly not from the South
  9. May Jailer is finally back with a For K Part 1 video
  10. This album is great, but it feels like a ghost. There's no life in it. It's really nice, has great vocals and lyrics but there's a spark that's missing. It's like Hauntya Del Rey possessed a grammaphone and just started transmitted it from the ether. Very October. It's funny that it was almost a summer album. It is very autumnal.
  11. I am now excited for the era! lana cover Cell Block Tango Manifest It!!
  12. You guys are boring me to death and I'm ALREADY DEAD
  13. It’ll actually be “Vagina Pineapple” as this is a summer
  14. I love loaded. It’s exactly the energy I wanted when lana said RHCP inspired in the pre NFR interview and never delivered on
  15. while I would love another summer album (lana, that's a hint on when you should drop one this year) I am deeply curious what a non holiday album Winter album would be like? I mean thematically/sonically not release date wise. Perhaps like Sirens? Contrast between cozy and icy coldness. I only say such because that was what the W interview mag shoot evoked to me/ Winter. Also gothic undertones. For reasons unknown to me, it made me think of The Yellow Wallpaper, a short story I read in College. As that links in well with what we are told BTIG would be about, I can't help but think the two are related. What if we get a winter album in the heat of summer? Perhaps a new meaning to Christmas in July
  16. Thank you for saying this. I hate the slander that song and Stevie get on here Lfl songs have been in a lot of documentaries. Good for her
  17. many people are saying a neo funk raeggae beach dance album would pop this summer. Many such cases!!! I know what I wanna play at MAro lago.
  18. is it insensitive to want a black out anthem from a recovering alcoholic? because if not i would very much appreciate one
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