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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. It’s really scary how out of touch a lot of people(mostly guys but lots of women too) are. Like a celeb does not know you and is not secretly declaring anything to you. Fucking parasocial relations my god
  2. It would be cool to get another Autumn album or a winter album after BB which was so autumnal it smelled of leaves and scented candles and flannel
  3. I’m a very bad french speaker so Moi Je Jou confirmed!!
  4. Has it really been seven years? Wow I really haven’t finished that two year degree I was starting when this released…. Anyway HM, you are that girl. The ingenue the mystique, the mystery of our faith. Our Magnus Opus. The late summer sun on the Italian riviera, the amber morning light in Los Angeles. Icon. Legend. LDR
  5. Yeah I know where did I say that? I was referring to other issues sorry if my writing was not clear I am very tired after long day at work
  6. The death penalty is never justified even when people are guilty as sin. That said these are obviously bogus charges.
  7. I don’t disagree that they are bad let me be clear. Im just not hopeful sanctions will do anything. It also doesn’t make sense to crack down on Iran when Saudi Arabia is arguably way worse and we consider them allies
  8. Im not convinced more regime change will help any. It might even make it worse. Twice. This is what regime change gets. US Imperialism has not been successful since Japan
  9. I mean i hope not but you do you I went to the doctor and he told me to stop being a slut so catholic psychedelic synth folk confirmed!
  10. Crypto Crashing is the sequel to Criminals Run The World Wait so Clay is sucessful as a musician? And a power bottom? Brb moving to los angeles to be the next courtney love
  11. I’m stealing from the collection bowl the pastor has no soul….. going here was an own goal Now I worship the silver pole my pussy tastes like coca col- Cut!
  12. Damn Id regret not being Ex Homo Hillsong Cantor anymore because I want Lana to sing that in a chorus
  13. What with all the fake insiders being clownish on here maybe LDRX is entitled Clown School
  14. Liz Truss killed Liz Windsor the day before Liz Grant releases ldr9X in fulfillment of the scriptures
  15. Isn’t Lana related to QE2 thru her mothers line?
  16. Liza Minelli has outlived Queen Elizabeth II
  17. I know this but lets have our fun while we still can before Snoozechella: Synth Bops In My Mind
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