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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. Hawaiian Tropic.......(how does she have so many iterations of EMGHW and none of them made it to an album? It's kind of hilarious.)
  2. right..."unmanifesting".... that which you resist persists.....I RESIST CALIFORNIA SURF PUNK WITH HIP HOP INFLUENCE AND GROOVE!!! I RESIST IT!!!
  3. I'd like atleast one album with the energy of Driving In Cars With Boys or COTBR before she's too old to sell that
  4. My Song 57 Greenwhich See U l8r Allig8tor, Shoplite Delite……A Return To Tradition
  5. I used to play online in a friend group back in 2015 before we broke up over i shit you not book drama
  6. That’s such a LDR patriotic hippy album title
  7. Like I lived a thousand years in another life and then came back too and only 20 minutes passed. Not entirely pleasant but neither was it bad. Illuminating. in that life Lana did release a cosmic album so…
  8. I feel this two and I just did DMT so…. And our lust for life, and our lust for life keeps us alive keeps us alive theres no stopping now green lights forever
  9. Like a groupie incognito posin' as a real singer Life imitates art.
  10. she really went off......i kind of miss that energy despite loving her new stuff
  11. Liz Taylor Blues

    Taylor Swift

    ATW was shortened for a reason.All I’ll say with Swifties being psychotic and all.
  12. For real. motivation is a better song than Bey has made in a decade IMO
  13. This is clearly an inside joke but also lmao
  14. Eating lunch at Dennys, Americas Diner, in order to manifest an album announcement from, Lana Del Rey, Americas Chanteuse
  15. I only said the streets were sayin. I never said thwy wasnt lyin
  16. Is lana a gaymaker or a gay finder or is she just only attracted to the fruity because I’m starting to see a pattern
  17. Lead single, title,cover, tracklist drop tomorrow, streets sayin
  18. dude.....ayahuasca is like the nuclear option for psychedelics/trauma healing/ sobriety work... like almost any other therapy/spiritual practice/mind altering substance should be tried first... yes it can be profound but that goes both ways... it's so funny to me to watch normies get into psychedelics like you see yoga moms now talking about their inner childs and psychedelic retreats....omg maybe this will extend to churchome in a few years and lana and her pals will do ayahuasha and we will get an intense psychedelic album.....the potential serve that would be......or America's Sweetheart level mess flop...
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