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Everything posted by TrashMagiq

  1. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    she's probs gonna sign w a diff label
  2. TrashMagiq

    Miley Cyrus

    I really hope she goes with this glam rock sound for the entire album cause wheww
  3. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    the remix is for levitating not hallucinate
  4. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    Dua's dropping a Future Nostalgia remix album and was hanging with Tove and Charli earlier.. Hallucinate ft. Charli XCX I would like to see it
  5. TrashMagiq

    Miley Cyrus

    she’s allegedly coming again
  6. TrashMagiq

    Billie Eilish

    i rlly like the song tbh. at first i was bored cause it sounded like any other song by her but i really like the switch up and the overall vibe of it. i wish she went deeper into that dark more experimental "bury a friend" sound tho, her best song imo.
  7. TrashMagiq

    Katy Perry

    the cover w her in the cannon would've ate as the official cover ugh
  8. TrashMagiq

    Azealia Banks

    The media’s staying silent about this cause Azealia isn’t relevant.. (and that’s not me being “shady”, she literally isn’t). Also Azealia’s talking shit about different celebrities on a daily basis. It’s not her “getting away with it” cause she has “privilege”(???), she just doesn’t have the celebrity status that’ll lead to articles if she talks shit about another celebrity. At this point she’s seen more as an internet troll.
  9. TrashMagiq

    Billie Eilish

    she’s giving me amy winehouse frank era vibes after the switch up
  10. TrashMagiq

    Azealia Banks

    it’s so sad how she used to be That Girl who dropped classic after classic but now she just drops rough unmixed demos as finished songs and spends her time on her insta being transphobic or body shaming or doing whateverthefuck
  11. y’all have been saying the same exact shit about her fillers since like 2015.. get a hobby
  12. The instrumentals and voices in the background of Bare Feet on Linoleum are so chaotic I'm scared
  13. i'm probs just gonna skim thru all the poems that aren't on the audiobook cause i'm not rlly a poetry type person but there's just something about her voice and these instrumentals on the audiobook that's so soothing
  14. TrashMagiq

    Dua Lipa

    I’m SCREAMING omg Madonna AND Missy Elliot.. whew
  15. she’s large and contradicts herself or whtvr her bio said
  16. is “My Bedroom Is a Sacred Place Now - There Are Children at the Foot of My Bed” referring to cum stains or am I reading too much into it
  17. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    i keep hearing “i only do this party for you” i literally cannot hear “i only threw this party for you” where is the r
  18. TrashMagiq

    Taylor Swift

    holy trinity: seven, mirrorball, august the way these were back to back to back.. whew
  19. the way everything just started to go downhill from the point that those paparazzi pics w her and the cop at the park got out
  20. This was such a shitty season. They really wasted a good cast with these awful challenges. I hope either Shea or Jujubee wins, both rlly deserve. The fact that Cracker has the most challenge wins is beyond me.. The judging was very questionable this season.
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