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Everything posted by ConeyIslandQueen262

  1. ConeyIslandQueen262

    Miley Cyrus

    I just went to Bangerz Tour and I can't find the right words to describe it because it was so fucking incredible !! Miley sang and danced her heart out - over 2 hours... she performed a lot of songs and also Summertime Sadness ! I have been a Miley stan for yeaaaars but I adore her even more now
  2. Is This Happiness... pretty sure the song ends with a NO
  3. as if she really said "well my 30-minute short film Tropico wasn't that successful"
  4. Well after you have stopped complaining about getting even 2 more new Lana song, just remember
  5. don't torture me with snippets... leak this shit now or keep quiet until Monday
  6. just realized that it was an AIDS gala... isn't it a little bit ehhh strange to perform Y&B there (why didn't she perform West Coast ?)
  7. I think it's great that Lana keeps her tropical style even though she visits a gala in Cannes. Nonetheless she would've looked better if her skin was more tan imo... Did she perform Y&B ?
  8. no push up bra... it's the same ugly white one again of course we can
  9. wow I didn't expect a new song before the album release ! that shit better be out on Monday, so I have something to do when I wait for Miley to enter the stage I don't really feel the cover yet... am I the only one who thinks that her position looks kinda strange and that her body proportions are wrong (look at those big boops and compare them to her thin arms )
  10. I can't believe that we don't have a thread for the hottest man in the music industry.... JOHN MAYER He has 6 albums out, some EPs and live albums and many unreleased songs. Songs you should give a listen: Your Body Is A Wonderland (2002) Why Georgia (2003) Slow Dancing In A Burning Room (2006) Free Fallin' (Tom Petty Cover) (2008) Half Of My Heart (2010) Speak For Me (2012) Wildfire (2013) oh and he just released a cover of Beyoncé's XO... it's SO fantastic ! https://soundcloud.com/johnmayer/xo
  11. I used to listen to Loose almost every day back then. It is such a fresh and fantastic album ! I don't know why but I just don't really feel her other releases No matter what, ALL GOOD THINGS is still life
  12. Kim even filmed the birth of her daughter, so I guess they are going to have a special on TV about their wedding as well (there is a rumor that Beyoncé doesn't want to attend because it is filmed). So I guess, there is a HUGE chance that we'll get beautiful Lana photos and a hq performance of Y&B I also don't see what's wrong about performing there. If Kimye asked me to sing their special song and they paid me a lot of money, I would be in Paris in seconds.
  13. I don't think she's big enough to sing there but at least she could go and give some nice red carpet interviews in order to promote UV. her chances to win an award but also be much higher if she attented. it's always lame when the winner isn't present
  14. haha exactly my thoughts when I saw the video anyway, I absolutely adore these 3 and a half minutes. SO amazing..... everytime you think that Beyoncé is perfect just the way she is, she does something that makes her even more ***flawless
  15. I just listened to her album for the second time and watched all her music videos and I have to say that she's really lovely. It's great how different and also well-producted her videos are, my favorite one is probably Let Go For Tonight because I love her look and happy face in that one. don't you agree that she looks like young Stefani sometimes ?
  16. believe me I'm definitely going... I'm counting the hours seeing Lana for the second time is going to be so amazing !! I'm afraid that she won't perform UV but in the end I don't really care as long as I get to see the queen again #teamfrontrow
  17. ich hab echt ein bisschen angst, dass sie die neuen songs nicht performen wird, weil Lana nun mal Lana ist und es vllt einfach nicht hinbekommen hat rechtzeitig zu proben oder sowas
  18. the discs look so heavenly good !!! I really really adore them and... an official date
  19. köln wäre gerade mal eine stunde von mir entfernt mit dem auto, um nach berlin zu kommen muss ich jetzt erst nach köln fahren und dann noch eine stunde fliegen... aber egal !! das letzte mal hatten wir ziemlich glück, dass sie in so vielen städten in deutschland gespielt hat, also nehme ich es jetzt in kauf nach berlin zu fliegen
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