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Everything posted by ConeyIslandQueen262

  1. the moment I saw that look I just knew that and that Lana has to be his goddess She should definitely rock something like this in Dubai !!
  2. Lana did a beautiful job on Old Money but I prefer the album version the latter one is full of heavenly emotions, it's like an angels's song but the live version sounds kinda dull... Cruel World would only be a nice opener if Lana used @@Ultraviolence idea tbh nevertheless I don't want to complain, at least she finally sang two new UV songs live (even though she skipped MPG and FMWUTTT again ) also here's a relativley good audio quality video of Cruel World (full)
  3. we have a SUPERNATURAL thread ?? this is my favorite TV show ever !!!! I stan so hard for Sam, Dean & Cas !!! can't wait for season 10
  4. I could arrange myself with the West Coast video and I was surprised how much I loved the Shades Of Cool video but the new one.. I've really tried to find some great aspects in that music video but tbh I have a hard time doing so. It's only Lana in a wedding dress, putting on an ugly veil, picking up some flowers that she randomly finds on the ground, eating an orange in a disgusting way, sucking fingers and kneeling down in front of an altar. If she looked stunningly beautiful I could live with it but her face and especially her lips look so weird and awkward. Anyways, I tried to figure out a storyline (even though there is no plot at all probably): Imo the Ultraviolence video is a music video that is about a homemade video. Lana and that man who is filming her with his iPhone are a couple and he is the boss in their relationship. Maybe they feel too young for marriage or they want to capture their wedding in a special way, perhaps what we see is their real wedding actually, like they run away from home and only have each other and that's why there are no family or friends. So after they have found a nice location, he starts filming the preparations and the walk to the altar. They are totally attracted to each other but I wouldn't talk about unconditional love, he wants to capture her beautiful face and she sucks his fingers in order to show her desire for him. In the end it seems like he sits down next to her as her groom. Maybe she doesn't know that these flowers are normally used for funerals and thinking of her man as a difficult, ultraviolent man I assume that he has many other women and plans to leave her, this means that the flowers are a death symbol of their relationship. very speculative though.
  5. most. critical. fanbase. ever. There is something special about the filter she used because it creates a perfect atmosphere. Lana looks so fragile and broken-hearted in that teaser and the way she sits alone in a chapel, in a wedding dress, with flowers + the fact that she just broke up with Barrie... sorry I just can't
  6. Instead of discussing her fucking sex life or her psychological problems (all over again), which are quite personal issues (especially the latter one), I think we should take a moment to praise these sentences: "Making Brooklyn my home base for the last two and a half weeks has really helped me out, like I’ve actually started thinking conceptually that I have this addition, an addition to this record that could come really easily. That hasn't happened in a long time. Not since I wrote that Paradise addition to Born to Die, which I really loved." Maybe she actually didn't lie when she talked about Music To Watch Boys To... She's officially single now, so in my opinion she has great reasons to use these words as a concept for a new EP
  7. Black Beauty and Flipside are the worst songs on Ultraviolence.
  8. obviously no more "every man gets his wish"
  9. Lana performing last night in Monaco (July 4)
  10. @@Trash Magic @@Creyk guess who spent all his money to get to Paris and attend the incredible OTR tour oh and Resentment live probably my favorite Bey song ever !!! the media should calm down, she only changed some lyrics (like all artists do)... and c'mon... they are SO cute together
  11. you actually all believe that she didn't make up China Palace ? didn't she mention in a interview that she wrote her first song at the age of 17? the song title sounds way too kitschy for a 12-year-old girl to invent and also that thing about strawberry daiquiri... There is a lot of alcohol on her mind lately imo (don't try it Lana) . Oh and China Palace is only a hint for her new Lizzy Grant surf noir album Music To Watch Boys To... anyways, Brooklyn Baby Acapella !! It seems like she knows the lyrics by heart, so why. doesn't. she. start. to. play. it. live. ????!!!!
  12. sorry I don't have the time to translate it right now
  13. Tbh I can't understand why she was in a relationship with Barrie. First of all I don't want to know how many ecosystems you can find in his beard. He should really start showering himself regularly. I always thought Lana could deal with his hygiene loathe because he has a beautiful soul and makes her feel more comfortable. However, UV contains many lyrics that emphasize that Barrie was only bringing her down. Lana often wrote songs about guys who weren't good for her or even left her but still she mentioned that she would love them until the end of time even though it's wrong. In ITH it seems like she is actually pretty tired of her man and that she won't fight for him anymore. Furthermore he isn't symphatic at all imo. He gives stupid answers and the part where he talks about that their relationship isn't over yet sounds like he only wishes it to be this way... EDIT: oh and many of you said that they just weren't seen together because they both were busy (Lana is on tour, Barried attended a wedding in Scotland). But isn't it quite strange that while Lana is performing in the USA, he spends time in Europe and as soon as Lana starts her European tour, he returns to LA ?
  14. FlORIDA KILOS is a perfect summer song !! And it's also the most radio-friendly one out of UV imo. I listen to FK every day when I drive to school and it definitely puts me in a happy mood + it's fantastic for cruising !!
  15. Sometimes I get the feeling that Lana can't say anything without people discussing it. YES, she claimed that she wishes to die some days but I think she didn't say it because she thinks it's glamorous to die young. To me it's more like she had a quite vulnerable moment in that interview. Being emotionally instable plus all the negative headlines could be to much for her. People should fucking stop judging her ! She probably has a mental disorder, an illness and doesn't fantasize about living in heaven with Kurt or Amy... I understand Frances but I'm sure she just got Lana wrong as well. And seriously, before that 16 year old girl starts to post hundreds of tweets about such a personal theme, she should learn to contact Lana privately. Anyways, I lost all my respect for Frances when I heard about her suicidal birthday party Not sure if Sky actually talked about Lana but Lorde should stop liking everybody who is against Lana. It's getting ridiculous.... I'm glad that Lana responded in such a polite way. I hope she won't take this all too personally.
  16. I've always defended their relationship but thb I think it's better when they're going separate ways now. Lana struggles with her own emotions and moods and a boyfriend like Barrie who lives in his own, dark world and might be even depressive doesn't sound like a good influence on her health. I really hope they don't get together again. Barrie should get some help from an expert and find a girlfriend who is able to cheer him up and Lana should finally grab a hot, rich and famous celebrity who doesn't look like he was hidden in the cellar for years imagine her and John Mayer together he has tattos. he plays guitar like God. he sings. he writes fantastic poetic songs. he has got the music in him. he is older than her. he covered Video Games when everybody else in the USA hated her. he can relate to problems with interviewers and the media. he isn't obsessed with fame. --> he is perfect for her
  17. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/blog/120/entry-511-berlin-concert-june-20/ check out my concert blog I'm still high on Lana, I can't get over last night, she was soooooooooooooo fucking amazing FROOOOONT ROOOOWWW oh and I got to meet @ and @@Ultraviolence who told me that the guy standing only 2 meters away from me while queuing up was @@prettydrugs (you look more mature in real life, tbh why are you using that profile pic ). the guy who gave his flower crown to Lana was @@ralfsstanko (just realized that you're on LB)
  18. so. fucking. beautiful. poor Daddy tbh, instead of looking quite ignorant like he did in the WC video, he is actually so vulnerable in the new one. and his eyes they are so gorgeous ! I'm pretty sure he was hot as fuck when he was younger. I think it's amazing how he is shown in a blue surrounding, while Lana almost looks like a glowing ghost who haunts his mind the entire day but still fails to warm his soul with her love. the effects in the first chorus are so adorable, they completely portray the feelings I get when she starts singing "but yoooou're..." the best thing about her walking down the pavement are her eyes ("Cold heart and hands and aptitude"). it seems like she is absolutely thinking about her Daddy and about ways to impress him with her Lolita lost in the hood expression. oh and don't you think that they're in the real Mermaid Motel ? Daddy is able to observe his little mermaid striking poses for him from the inside of his room Lana's dancing is so bad and awkward but actually the most adorable thing ever ! she looks so happy and free ! even though she seems to play a real cutie who doesn't know how to attract her Daddy in this video, this image of her changes in the next scenes. her face and her moves in the second swimming pool shot and the way her perfect red lips kiss the strawberry In my opinon that's the point where Daddy just can't resist her anymore (look at his eyes again, they actually reveal his emotions !) ok and now this is a little bit awkward but I absolutely thought she was getting on her knees to take off his pants in the last seconds
  19. @@evilentity seriously you should start a thread about Jennifer Lopez copying Lana as well !
  20. I don't know about you but I'm ready to bring Lanalysis back to life I'm going to start with Guns And Roses because I think it's quite easy to interpret that one Heavy metal love of mine, he loved guns and roses: the local rockstar type again You didn't want me all the time: that boyfriend played a little game with her Cause you were so much better than the rest of them, out of all the others you were the honest man: naive, little poor baby - she still loves him imo Motorcycle love divine: put me onto your black motorcycle I wasn't the marrying kind, I should have done it anyway: he was the boy she was engaged with ! today she regrets that they didn't marry, so again --> she still loves him We should have left Las Vegas and then began again: so they broke up in Vegas after they had traveled 2 hours to get there, something really serious must've happened Detroit ???: did Lana ever mention Detroit ???, it takes much longer to drive to Vegas from Detroit btw Back to the promised land: she wants to go back to the time when she still believed in their relationship I can feel it coming in the air tonight: maybe she had already feared that they would break up before they actually did because a fight turned out to be quite bad I can see you bathing in the summer light: they are on a hot location (Las Vegas), it seems like she observes him and still admires him even though they don't talk anymore You got game boy: I don't get it, I just don't get it as a conclusion I would say that Guns And Roses is about Jimmy. he fits into the entire rock theme and we've already discussed before that Lana adored him as a lover but also a musician while he saw just another fangirl in her. there are also many Yayo references in it which make me neglect the fact that you can't find alcohol or drug related lines even though it's a Jimmy song. Like I mentioned many times before I can't get rid off the thought that Lana still loves Jimmy because he reminds her of dead K.
  21. honestly, this sounds quite relatable... makes my worries disappear at least a little bit we should bring Lanalysis back to life when we have all created some theories who the songs are about. [girlie voice] this is gonna be so much fuuuuun
  22. of course Nina's voice is stronger but c'mon she doesn't sound like a other woman at all while Lana embodies the lyrics perfectly
  23. wrote a blog about my first listen http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/blog/120/entry-502-crazy-first-listen-emotions/ my favorite tracks (except for the known songs) so far are Sad Girl, Pretty When You Cry, OLD MONEY and Florida Kilos I guess...
  24. well she's touring in Europe now and it would be weird if she sang the same setlist she already did 1 year and 2 months ago in these countries again. my concert is on June 20 in Berlin and I already saw her on April 17, 2013 in Düsseldorf. tbh Lana could sing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 15 times in a row and I would be extremely happy but still it would be kinda disappointing if she only added West Coast and Ultraviolence
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