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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. some of the smileys need to be sorted out as Sitar said. Some of them appear twice like' '&' ' Also, even though it might be annoying having massive smileys, I agree, some of them are more effective when they're larger like Ben :benrangers: and vexed guy :vexed: , maybe too? Ooh and what happened to that cute 'love' smiley? Has that dissapeared? That's just me being picky really, I'm pretty happy with all the updates and any more requests have already been said
  2. Kill Kill 54 Queen of the Gas Station 11 For K Part 2 57 Mermaid Motel 45 Yayo 18
  3. Blue Jeans & Without you Looks like blue jeans is finally going to leave us :grin:
  4. Voted for her in everything, without any doubt. Apart from Hyuna everyone else I like it too irrelevant to be nominated and Hyuna probably made it mostly because of Gangnam Style
  5. Emilie Autumn - Enchant 9/10 Some of the weaker songs still need to grow on me but her lyrics, vocals and instrumental use is beautiful - I'm still considering whether this is my favorite of Emilie's albums (over Opheliac).
  6. yeah, i realized that like the day after I posted that, I can be a bit of a dick, I forgot it was on the iTunes version at the time.
  7. I heard Video Games first in summer last year and it didn't really please me that much. I didn't think much more than just, "it's okay, but it's just another woman trying to be hipster." then I heard Born To Die and I sort of liked it but couldn't imagine getting into her much but I was willing to give her another go because I liked the video, she looked gorgeous in it. So I listened to National Anthem and really liked it, it was like pop but not what I was used to hearing and it had a haunting touch to it. I then actually listened to Kill Kill which I loved so much. I could've sworn I'd heard it before actually. So surprisingly, I took the Lizzy route before Lana which was easy back then though because she didn't have many leaks and it didn't happen very often. But from her unreleased stuff, I loved them the most: Trash Magic, Munny Hunny, Heavy Hitter and Hundred Dollar Bill were my favourites. Then I checked out some interviews on youtube because I wanted to get to know her a bit (aw I had no idea how difficult that would be) and it was the Q interview that I think was the first one and I thought she was so beautiful and flaw free, then I checked out some live performances and although back then I thought her vocals were pretty poor, there was something about her that really clicked with me. Then I bought Born To Die in January or February I think actually, I loved the Deluxe packaging, I remember coming home from school and me and my mum opened it, I was so happy, it was only really then when I'd really told anyone I liked her. I don't know why but it was months before anyone knew I had anything to do with her. Discovering Lana was what really matured my music taste, before then I was a bit bored - everything in the charts got on my nerves and most of my friends back then didn't like anything I did. All I really listened to was older stuff from the 90's/00's which I still like now but now I realise it's better to have as a side interest and even then I wanted to break out of the past a bit and discover someone else. Anyone who bothered to read all of that needs to get a life.
  8. Kill Kill 52 Queen of the Gas Station 14 For K Part 2 55 Mermaid Motel 46 Yayo 19
  9. 33 people are reading this topic. I can't keep up with this thread anymore. :airplease: Wow, that smiley has really come in handy.
  10. I haven't bought any of his albums yet because some of them are quite expensive to get over here (because he's irrelevant in England) plus I prefer buying physical copies of albums rather than downloading but I'm definatly considering getting at least one of his albums.
  11. I feel like that with some artists when they go off their original style into something that isn't 'them'. I always feel really bad because I want to like them but it's difficult. With Ellie, I agree, folk music suits her more in my opinion even though I really like stuff like Lights and Anything Could Happen. Then again, those + Starry Eyes are the songs that get played on the radio and attract sales which unfortunatly is sometimes what has to come first. Money is the anthem of success
  12. I don't even know if I want to know about this dark, dark part of Lana's life but it's all creeping me out so much, I want to know more about her Also, this guy http://www.murderpedia.org/male.F/f/friedman-kenneth.htm commited his crime on my birthday. ew.
  13. :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: :airplease: Air. Now. Please. Parodies can get kind of annoying but this is genius.
  14. What the hell is this. What if Cher Lloyd and Big Time Rush won
  15. When I first saw this, it surprised me but the amount of Lana sleuthing us lot do alone makes up a large portion of that. There's a lot more mystery (and lies) about her compared to other big stars who are pretty open about themselves. But Cher? At number 3?
  16. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    meth vs. axl rose husband
  17. Agreed with the DP part - that song's underrated but Million dollar man? :judgingyou:
  18. Woah, you clearly feel very strongly about this! It's probably because it's a pic disk, therefore it's a lot thicker but yeah there's definatly something wrong with that record player, some strange noises come out of it I think my parents are buying a new one anyway so I'll be sure to resist playing anything within that time.
  19. Kill Kill 52 Queen Of The Gas Station 15 For K Part 2 53 Mermaid Motel 46 Yayo 20
  20. WHY HAVE I ONLY JUST NOTICED THIS THREAD? Vanessa Paradis is the only person other than Lana who I'd say I truly stan for. Ugh I love all of her stuff, all the cheesy 80's stuff to her latest stuff. I also recently started collecting some of her vinyls, they're so cute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C72piaGmahs I guess I listen to -M- quite a bit too, seeing as he's a good friend of Vanessa. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbYAMlNvQSI And, hey, if you like french music, you have to love Serge. I love what him and Franck Langolff produced for Vanessa. Argh she's so beautiful in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXoxtUYCGdk
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