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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. I don't understand why someone WOULDN'T want the era to end. Besides the tour, it's not as if there's anything happening. It'd be dope if there was new music that came out of it, at least. tbh i feel like every era is going to be dead. if THIS era, her happiest era since BTD, is one that's like this...it's gonna suck to see what happens if she crashes and goes back into her sad feels.
  2. true :/ tbh all I want is the original, pre-Auerbach version of Ultraviolence. I know one of these traders has to have it. Lana said the album was already finished when she met Auerbach and redid it, so I know it has to be in someone's hands.
  3. 1. Ultraviolence 2. Paradise 3. AKA 4. Lust For Life 5. Born To Die 6. Honeymoon and, tbh, if Sirens, From The End, and Young Like Me counted, I'd place them, collectively, above Honeymoon.
  4. We have unreleased songs from the Ultraviolence era: Your Girl Yes To Heaven Fine China And we have two demos: Black Beauty Methamphetamines (we've had it forever, but Lana considers it a demo of Old Money) I'm glad Tyler and Lana did so well. He'll end up getting more sales than her in the end though, probably. Her albums always fall off.
  5. What? "With funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to probe the effects of methamphetamine on the "lipidome" (the complete lipid profile of representative organs and tissues) in rats that self-administer the drug, UCI's Daniele Piomelli and his IIT colleagues found that its use caused abnormalities in cellular fat metabolism, triggering extreme inflammation marked by a considerable rise in the formation of ceramides, pro-inflammatory molecules that can foster cell aging and death." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150211153838.htm if Lizzy wasn't abusing meth that hard, then tbh, I can't for the life of me see how drugs messed her face up.
  6. How do you enjoy random silences in a song? It reminds me of the terrible way Born This Way was censored, even on the explicit version.
  7. which was so fucking stupid. she should have just not used names. it fucks up the song the way she did it.
  8. There's nothing stopping her from re-releasing it. She alone owns the rights to it now.
  9. baddisease


    I feel like if Heroin isn't actually about Heroin, and the references to Manson aren't just straight references, the song would be needlessly edgy.
  10. If it helps, I feel like if the first four were solo records and weren't so unmastered, I might like them better. And DLMBM sucks. Lana removed all the soul from that song.
  11. I voted Ulraviolence. My rationale is that with Ultraviolence, unlike her other records, she had someone to challenge her vision and push her music forward. Her need for Yes Men to nod their heads hurts her music. Born To Die and Paradise are good, despite the Yes Men, but Honeymoon and Lust For Life are hurt by it.
  12. Tomorrow Never Came Beautiful People Beautiful Problems Summer Bummer Groupie Love Noir 24 Golden Grill Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood Delicious
  13. baddisease


    I'm going to go for the low hanging fruit here: Lust For Life is, or attempts to be, a socially aware record. And socially, there's a major heroin epidemic happening (with many American towns overflowing with people dead from it/dead from fentanyl). This song is about that.
  14. I can't find the screencaps of the twitter rant, but the dude from the Born To Die video called her a speed fairy and shit talked her. And dude's girlfriend/wife (can't remember which) confirmed it was about her.
  15. Static is what happens when Lana only lets Yes Men around her. It diminishes the quality of her work. Anyway, I hope that demos from this era leak. I wanna hear what all the collaborations sounded like before they became collaborations.
  16. Lana was pretty much confirmed a speed freak by that dude who shit talked her on Twitter. Amphetamines (including methamphetamine) fucks up the face and makes you age because of its effect on cells, so that could be part of why she gets work done. But I doubt Lana did heroin, and even if she did, heroin doesn't do the same damage to the face. The main facial damage it does is to the teeth (a quadruple whammy: it weakens the structure of the teeth making them prone to breaks, cracks, and cavities, it creates dry mouth which accelerates cavity production, it causes grinding which slowly damages teeth, and it damages gums which makes teeth loose and fall out spontaneously). The reason why the faces of heroin addicts sometimes go to shit is because they're not actively taking care of themselves. If a heroin addict also took care of their face (washing, moisturizing), their faces would be fine. The same cannot be said for a meth addict, their faces would always be fucked.
  17. I don't know how I feel about Lust For Life. The songs on it that I like (Heroin, Cherry, Love, Lust For Life, White Mustang, God Bless America, While The World Was at War), I absolutely love. While the songs on it that I hate (Beautiful People, Groupie Love, Summer Bummer, Tomorrow Never Came), I think are the worst she's ever commercially released.
  18. this is why i only listen to the live performance she did of it. the version that was released is unlistenable.
  19. is it safe to say that, on a whole, the trailer didn't mean much?
  20. wait, I thought she said "crying while i'm cumming" once, then "crying while i'm gunning".
  21. idk if asking is against the rules, but i do plan to buy the clean on CD. could you send me the clean album?
  22. Wait, shit. I didn't read the rest of the title -__- oops.
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