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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. Fuck Summer Bummer, Lana needs to release Cherry this week.
  2. Delusions of grandeur is you thinking your comment matters to me. I'm having less and less confidence that I'll win the bet I made with @@terusama. I'm hoping it comes out in July so I win, but..I dunno. The radio silence is a bad sign. I think the social anxiety stuff is just her fandom making excuses for her, though. I can't imagine why someone who has that and knows they have that would decide to be a pop star. I don't pay attention to her sales, but maybe she sells enough that it doesn't matter whether she does nothing or not.
  3. tbh what Lana wants doesn't matter to me, since she also doesn't want to promote the album or communicate anything about the album (tracklist, singles, etc.) to us.
  4. I don't expect much from Summer Bummer. I hope to be surprised though. Lana goes best with New York hip-hop, not trap.
  5. tbh if her album leaked now, I wouldn't be upset. hell, it would be more promotion than Lana has done since pushing the album back. Do you think it's even coming out next month?
  6. Diet Mountain Dew and Coachella are both good.
  7. Shhhh. I'm still hoping for an 18 track Standard and a 23 track deluxe.
  8. I love Florida Kilos and her coke/crack slinging lyrics. I think glorifying heroin, especially on an album where she's trying to be politically aware, would be a bad look for her. (I wouldn't mind it but...it would make her look bad.) At least with her singing about crack, the crack epidemic is over.
  9. I mean, I'm not sure you can really sing about heroin in a way that would fit a happy album without glorifying it, which would be a very bad look.
  10. I don't think it's reaching. It's completely possible that Get Free is a reworked Children of the Bad Revolution. She redid Yayo for Paradise, and she reworked Methamphetamines into Old Money.
  11. Don't take away our hope for a CDQ version of Architecture pls
  12. they didn't leak, but people know them. Now that's just mean. lmfao
  13. I'm gonna try and give this song a chance. I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't leaked, though, if people already have it and know its lyrics...
  14. Here's a visual reenactment of the mods bringing the heat on Chris Cuomo:
  15. Thanks! Does it mean anything that YTH was recognized by Shazam? I know that. But the other Ultraviolence outtakes aren't recognized by Shazam and I'm wondering if there's a reason why that is (like it potentially being released on this record, for example).
  16. if there's a deluxe edition and Architecture is on it, I will take back all of my badmouthing of Summer Bummer. How does Shazam recognize songs? Like, who makes it know what song it is? Maybe Yes To Heaven will be on this album as a bonus track... (I can dream.)
  17. I know what you meant. I don't think it's shallow to judge a song I already don't like based on what it sounded like for its title.
  18. And I've loved everything I heard including Coachella, EXCEPT Summer Bummer. Guess I'm shallow and stupid for not liking the snippet or its title. Guess I gotta like everything she does and every title she uses.
  19. 1. You're judging an album you haven't even heard and saying it'll be Lana's best album. What was that about shallow and stupid, again? And I'm judging a song based on the incoherent mess of a snippet that we've heard. The title and the specific features are only the cherry on top of a shit sundae. 2. If we're going by what she said, then arguing about a tracklist she hasn't confirmed is pointless. 3. Because when May 26th came, members of this board harassed him on Instagram and wouldn't leave him alone
  20. Shazam recognizing it doesn't mean much, if it helps you feel better. It recognizes Yes To Heaven and the Pawn Shop Blues demo (I wanted to see if it would recognize unreleased songs).
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