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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. I pre-ordered Fallout 4 and got it on release night. The very first song that played for me when I used the Pip-Boy radio was this song, right as I got outside of Vault 111. I can't not associate this song with a Nuclear Holocaust now tbh.
  2. pleaseeeee tell me the story in PMs i won't tell anyone
  3. The 5:55 version sounds better than the one I had, but by better, I mean "less muffled". Why do you have a 192kbps version? I have a 6:05 version that's 97kbps and, I think, came from the initial leak link.
  4. The 5:55 version of Architecture sounds so much better than the 6:05 version, to me.
  5. If yours is 6:05, then it has some changes. And I have a feeling I know what they are: in the versions you and I have, there were beeps (like a camera in a movie) and a few moments of silence between those beeps and the song. I'm gonna listen to it with headphones but this MIGHT genuinely be better quality unless it was just edited.
  6. I wish people would take the words of so-called "conspiracy theorists" seriously. I can't help but feel that all of these terrorist attacks are just false flags with the intention of continuing an unwinnable, revenue generating war. (Weapons sales are make up large parts of regional economies, and how do you constantly ensure sale? By ensuring there's always a threat.)
  7. I'm not very hopeful rn. While I can't speculate as to what the final track might sound like...if the final version we get features Carti being loud and obnoxious on autotune, and Lana whispering, the way it seemed to? It's garbage.
  8. If the snippet sounded anything like this, I personally wouldn't have a problem. But it doesn't.
  9. she never said 13 Beaches was on the album.
  10. I would not call OTTR or NA rap. Rap-influenced, but not rap. And it's possible to HATE this collab without hating the idea of her doing rap in particular.
  11. it's not really delusional to not want an artist you respect to turn into... THIS, a goddamn fool: It's not precisely unprecedented. And I wouldn't call it "experimentation" either.
  12. Rihanna is not Lana Del Rey. I love Lana but...she cannot convincingly pull off the wide array of genres that Rihanna has (not just on that album but in her entire discography). That is not Lana's ministry. Lana can do a lot of genres, but not to that degree. Definitely not trap. For me, it's not that diversity is wrong. It's that Lana has no synergy with trap music, contrary to the opinion of the gays on this board who think everything involving a TR-808 drum machine is trap. And I love that the same people who fell in love with Cherry bc of the IG videos are the same people saying that it's great AND that we can't judge based off of it. I don't want Lana to come off like Katy Perry, slapping random popular rappers who don't even mesh with her sound on records just because she can. And I DEFINITELY don't want Lana to turn into Miley Cyrus (and I mean that both musically and socially). I love rap music. It's what I listen to the most. And I know Lana has incorporated rap elements before. But there are at least two main concerns I have with her doing this, and both should be obvious.
  13. I'm so irked. Why can't she work with rappers that aren't hot ass?
  14. If Lana has more rap features, let them include Kendrick Lamar and Lupe Fiasco please. A Shining Down meets Fear. meets Gods and Monsters style track please.
  15. True. But what I heard didn't sound particularly good (the autotune mumble-yelling stood out most). I'm just hoping the collabs are limited. I could be okay with 6/7 collabs...I don't want more than that.
  16. There are good uses of it and bad uses of it. Guess which I think this falls under?
  17. There are lots of rappers who woulda sounded good with Lana: A$AP Rocky, Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper, Azealia... But not Playboy Carti and definitely not with autotuned mumbleyelling.
  18. Fun Fact: that doesn't stop us from liking or disliking what she does.
  19. I can't imagine why they like it when they bitched about Coachella and Coachella was actually good. I don't like his music, but I could overlook that if what we heard of this song sounded good...but it didn't. I really hope this is for some other project.
  20. And I hope every single hip-hop one gets deleted from existence.
  21. what? do you think THAT was harmonizing? It was a mumble rapper being noisy with autotune over whisper vocals from Lana and a random ass A$AP verse. Mess.
  22. @Eclipse leak the original Lust For Life album pls.
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