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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. 1. "Summer Bummer" and Playboi Carti took away anyyyyyyy chance this album had of being her best. 2. Lana wouldn't have said 18 tracks after the BBC performance if she didn't mean 18 tracks. 3. She never talked about May 26th being the release date. Not once.
  2. You sound mad. It's not real, it's missing two tracks, and Eclipse's tweet doesn't even make sense. (What the fuck is a summer bummer?)
  3. Eclipse also said that Architecture would be on the album, so...
  4. Yuck. I didn't think it was even possible for me to be repulsed by something Lana has done, but here we are. The worst song title with the worst collabs.
  5. it was fun for me before the May date passed. now I'm not even really hyped for the album.
  6. Y'all really believe that tracklist is real, huh?
  7. It was a drunk tweet half-assedly thrown out there. She could easily just say it meant something else. Even though i don't think it'll come in July, I'll take this bet.
  8. she was doing stuff like this even before it was done, though.
  9. I wonder if the album is still coming out next month.
  10. it's just a prank bro, it's just a prank.
  11. i've been gone for five days and nothing has happened wow.
  12. why, dear lord, would she wanna celebrate anything with the public?
  13. Her show at the Jalopy, she was credited as Lizzy Grant even though only four days later she'd perform at the Slipper Room as Lana Del Rey. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1246-20090604-jalopy/ I know why it's called Alcoholics Anonymous. I'll be careful digging into it. I actually have a question for you about this...
  14. There is no connection. The album trailer, at this point, has no meaning for the album we'll be getting. And we know the planned initial configuration of the album isn't the same now as it was back then.
  15. If it gets pushed back again, I can't imagine her fanbase taking it well. I can't imagine anyone even being excited for it at that point. I still think the album is coming out but I think that it'll probably be her worst commercially since even with all the time she's had, she's not promoted it at all (and I don't count those two performances as promotion because once they were done, she fell off the face of the fucking planet).
  16. If she doesn't care, she's not going to put in effort. posting a tracklist and preorder takes effort, though only a bare minimum.
  17. It's old, but I don't see it as a justification. It's an explanation. She doesn't care about her success, so she announces an album and fucks off for a few weeks, releases a song or two and fucks off for a few weeks, and so on.
  18. Re: why Because they talk like robots. I'm not sure how familiar you are with them, but having been in meetings (for my own drug/alcohol problems)...they rattle off the same irritating cliches a lot, and it would pain me to see a creative,intelligent person like Lana doing that (and even if Lana weren't "Lana", just a random person, I'd feel the same way. ordinarily smart people become sheep in those meetings.)
  19. Burning Desire is a great song. And tbh there are a bunch of Lana songs I loathe, like Delicious.
  20. People heard 15 seconds of a song and shit themselves over how good they thought it was. What's the difference?
  21. To find out what she was like back then. I'm not really interested in the specifics of her story.
  22. It's possible that she was that person. I want to go digging, I feel like if I could get those screenshots, where she talks about specific meetings and events, we could find out more about her involvement and role with other addicts or alcoholics (besides what she's done as a famous person). There are a lot of possibilities here to learn more about Lana, though...the people who knew her in that way probably won't be forthcoming with any information, but I'm willing to try and find stuff out.
  23. Lana talking like a 12 stepper repulses me in a way I've never been repulsed before.
  24. Piggybacking off of this: There were screenshots from her personal Facebook talking about AA meetings and AA-related events. If someone could scrounge those screenshots up, because I know people have to have them, we could easily get definitive proof she was there using archived AA documents. Well, I could do it anyway. (While AA is Alcoholics Anonymous, drug addicts also frequent their meetings.) She also quoted, word for word, the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous on her old Twitter account.
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