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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. We found the dates on our own, but UMG didn't leak them because of us. And every other date we'd gotten from them and the other sources (like the radio impact dates), were correct. I'm not saying she needs to take it into consideration, just that she expects it. She created the fandom she has and I feel like she probably knows that.
  2. I mean, clearly we shouldn't be harassing Ben and we did. I said that in the comment you quoted, so I don't know why you're saying I'm pretending we did nothing. We acted like idiots, a lil bit. The record store thing isn't really as serious as you're making it out to be because that happens with popular releases all the time. Dedicated record store people like it, y'know, because they like music and they like fandom. I don't think the magazine stuff was a mistake. Remember that UMG properties thought that Lust For Life was coming May 26th. The tone of the articles make it obvious that they were written before the album was pushed back. Ben doesn't really HAVE to read this forum. Even before we started acting like fools he didn't like us, so...that's his own problem. My point about the money was that you're making recording an album, that we will pay for in multiple formats, sound like it's a divine act of altruism. It's not. Her intentions may be pure, but they're not wholly selfless. And yeah, she's a good to us in other ways, I agree. But I have a feeling she expects how we act because... you don't make music that's obviously filled with sadness and disorder and expect your fans (the people who connect with that music) to be completely in good mental health (I say this as a person who isn't, so no judgment). I don't think anyone snapping right now doesn't like Lana, clearly they love her. It's not for lack of love on their parts.
  3. How would they know about the record stores? It's not like record stores are hitting up Lana saying "YO THESE GAYS ARE BEING WEIRD!" The only thing I think was kinda fucked up was harassing Ben. Though...he's still a dickhead. And couldn't promote a rock. Maybe she was planning something big for the date announcement but...Paris Match kinda confirmed she wasn't by ingloriously saying the date. But it was really unnecessary for her to continue to say "soon" and to cut out the album date from the interview when it's not like there was any good reason for that besides JUST fucking with us. Her team treated us in a petty way and they got what they deserved. It's not like Lana and them DON'T use us to print off money, God knows we're the only people who actually promote her. And do you truly believe she did anything for us? She GETS PAID to do this. WE PAY HER for this. SHE TAKES OUR MONEY for this. She's not doing anything for us out of the kindness of her heart, lmao. She's not an indie singer. She's a worldwide selling artist. She doesn't care about us.
  4. I used to want the album to leak, then I changed my mind. And just for this sarcastic bullshit, I hope the album leaks.
  5. I *hoped* we'd get a tracklist or something. But...I doubt we'll get even that.
  6. I think the intention of Coachella was to give us something to hold us over.
  7. Here's a gif of Elle returning to this thread:
  8. Join Team August with me. That way, no matter what happens, you're pleasantly surprised!
  9. Any news that comes out always gets its own thread. This thread is pretty much us discussing/bullshitting lmao. It's fun to bond over this, even when it's meltdowns.
  10. I'm anticipating big, non-LFL leaks, which happens pretty much every time she releases an album.
  11. Relax, take your cape off. Lana ain't paying for you to yell at people.
  12. Yoooooooo please send it to me. I need this.
  13. No, nobody has ever lied about anything or cast deceptions about their emotions before. Certainly never a famous musician. Never. I honestly don't know. I'd say that it would be to give more time for promo but...there's no more promo scheduled besides what we already know.
  14. You don't know that she was happy. She doesn't live out all her emotions in front of us. And the Love leak is the only explanation for the push back. Everything was clearly set up for Lust for Life being released tomorrow, and her regional labels (like Universal Music Poland) were anticipating May 26th release. She's not in the studio anymore either, besides what she did for Coachella. And there's very little promo for June and July, so it's not for any promo reason...
  15. Other albums have had songs leak from them, forcing them to get stuck in release hell. That could happen with Lana, especially since she damn near canceled the album post-Love leak.
  16. There's nothing stopping the album from not coming out at all. If anything from Lust For Life leaked, you'd better hope it all leaked and not a single song. Remember that everything went to shit because Love leaked.
  17. If Yosemite leaks...it's only gonna fuck up the album more.
  18. I want the cover on Lust For Life to be of Prince's The Beautiful Ones. I know she could cover it perfectly.
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