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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. Nobody answered your question, so I will: the answer is that it doesn't matter since neither were promoted all that much. Love was the first single but LFL was described as the lead single.
  2. Until Lana Del Rey, or entities representing Lana Del Rey (UMG, TAP Management - more specifically, Ben and Ed), say what the date is...it's unconfirmed. Whether they say it in an article or not. And so far, the entities that represent Lana Del Rey (UMG) have scrubbed references to dates from their websites. No, what we have are publications that are using leaked dates. Even the publications that directly spoke with Lana - Elle, Dazed, Flaunt - never bothered to ask or push for a release date when talking to her. And, quite frankly, that Flaunt interview indicates she hasn't even settled on a final tracklist yet. If it comes out on the 26th, I'll be surprised. But I am not expecting it to, and I am of the opinion that it was pushed back.
  3. hate to burst your bubble but it's only repeating the leaked date. a paraphrase of another magazine's interview is def not confirmation.
  4. I sense a dramatic story here. Fill me in.
  5. yeah, that one. idk how to get pure audio out of it.
  6. Does anyone have a link to the audio from Lana's Instagram account of her singing C-WIMM? I'd totally appreciate it.
  7. Vinyls go quickly. It's best to order it and wait for delivery. Ehhhhhhhh. No preorder, no date said by her, no tracklist... this might as well be a surprise release.
  8. Even if it's not evidence against the date, it's still something to consider when looking at what Rolling Stone, etc. say (and not take it as the final word).
  9. The problem with these kinds of posts is that while Rolling Stone and other reputable sources have said May 26th... Universal Music Group websites removed the May 26th date from their websites. There's just as much evidence for a 26th release date as there is against it.
  10. We thought this era was a mess, meanwhile Lana was playing 5D chess the whole time!
  11. I suppose the next single is Tomorrow Never Came. That's how Flaunt describes it, as a single. Also I've never heard of Flaunt until now and it seems so fucking pretentious.
  12. Hmmm.... http://www.flaunt.com/content/people/lana-del-rey
  13. Love tanked because it was leaked. Coming out weeks ahead of schedule will do that to a song. The Lust for Life song release...is a mess. And the only thing that makes sense to me is that Lana did the whole Radio 1 premier thing simply to head off a leak, which would only damage the overall album rollout more. (I mean, there's also the possibility she did it just to do it, but to release a song weeks before it was scheduled to come out, only to not push it to radio and to not release its MV until its previously scheduled date makes zero sense). We don't know that, though. I remember reading here that people had Love, Architecture, Subversive Road, and another song. The last two could have been lies but...I wouldn't put it past traders to have those songs and other ones.
  14. I listened to Ultraviolence (the album) on repeat while tripping on AL-LAD I also listened to AKA and Honeymoon (album) after smoking a bowl and snorting lines of Dilaudid. I gained a strong appreciation for both those albums because of it.
  15. I don't think this is entirely fair to Lana. Love leaking and being released early was not Lana's fault. Didn't someone from LanaBoards leak it? While I'm sure you weren't the one who did, it's unfair to blame Lana for that after people on this board had it early and couldn't keep it to themselves. Same with Best American Record. If Love wasn't leaked and was released when it was supposed to be, things wouldn't have been such a mess. None of those multiple sources should have leaked the date if May 26th was real. Again, that was not Lana's fault. Lust For Life was actually Lana's fault, since the date that leaked alongside the May 26th date was a date the week before, which was the date Lust For Life (song) was supposed to hit the radio. If I had to guess, the reason she released Lust for Life early was to keep leakers from leaking it (maybe). I like that Lana released a song for us even if it's not from the album, tbh. I feel like that was something to tide us over. While certain parts of this era's problems (the silence, mainly) are Lana's/her team's fault, not all of it is. The problem in the beginning lie strictly at the feet of leakers and traders (including members here).
  16. According to this, Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind isn't part of the album https://twitter.com/DelReyPoland/status/864050824795889664
  17. Was this album actually worked on for over a year though? If I understood her comments about it correctly, didn't the election and its results drastically change what the album would have sounded like?
  18. That makes sense. I don't see Dua Lipa being a success in America, though. I've literally never seen her mentioned anywhere but this website. Even Rita Ora did better than that. I like her vocals (besides the fucking reverb), lyrics, and message...but yikes her producers completely shit the bed. This could have been a great acoustic song. Hell, it could have been great as-is if it didn't have the reverb. She already did that. Just from the theme and what she's said about the album, November 8th, 2016 clearly changed the direction she was going with Lust For Life. We went from an album that was going to be centered on Best American Record/Architecture to where we currently are now.
  19. She'll not lose me. I really like this direction. Honestly, what's weird to me is that she does have a number of songs that talk about worldly topics. "National Anthem" and "Brooklyn Baby", for example, were clearly meant to be ironic commentaries. I feel like if someone understood that she does songs with subtle (or not so subtle) irony and commentary on stuff, they wouldn't be shocked by C-WIMM or her new direction. Also, could you elaborate on what you meant about Ed? Was he down about Lana? (Like, did he say that?)
  20. I don't know how iTunes handles releases for countries in more than one time zone, but I'll take a guess: Either at midnight, EST (in 4 hours), or at midnight PST (in 7 hours). What length is the song you're listening to? I think the official iTunes version of the song is 4:20, and we so far have a 4:15 one with skips like that and a 4:18 one without the skips.
  21. Plot twist: he teases the one with the skips as an exclusive demo.
  22. Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind > Lust for Life > Love But if we're including Architecture: Architecture > Coachella > Lust for Life > Love
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