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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. He and Hillary had him killed. And in a gruesome way, as well.
  2. Bush and Cheney went to war in Iraq based on lies, then set up the groundwork for worldwide warfare with drone strikes and bombings and such. Obama had troops running around Africa and the ME blowing up America's "enemies" (non-Americans). He also drone struck people and murdered children knowing they were children. Trump...do I need to say what he did? AND he might even run again against Biden (or possibly Kamala) Yep. He literally armed terrorists in Syria. The news called them "moderates" but they were not.
  3. If warmongers don't win, why are Bush and Cheney and Obama and Trump still alive and well?
  4. baddisease

    Doja Cat

    will you stay for his set though?
  5. The Hague doesn't really mean all that much, since Western war crimes and interests are always protected. Putin should be judged by the peoples of both Ukraine and Russia and nobody else.
  6. just saying! his music is fire though.
  7. He tries so hard to be Michael Jackson and I can't tell if it's working or not.
  8. That, while fucked up, is not how power plants work.
  9. tactical nukes or dirty bombs could be used. but idk the exact range of those, however.
  10. it seems that I was wrong. I had thought the neo-Nazis were bigger than they were. I still think the parts of Ukraine that wanna be on their own should get to make that decision, but it's good that Nazis aren't wandering all over.
  11. Would Putin be doing this if Euromaidan hadn't happened? Or is Euromaidan just an excuse? @Rorman Nockwell @the ocean
  12. agreed. it's worrisome bc he has an end game, we just don't know what it is.
  13. eh. when Putin was in the KGB, he was member of an anti-communist faction of it. i don't think he's become a communist in his old age. unless you just mean in landmass and not ideology.
  14. damn. I feel bad for the Russian people (not Putin). They will be destroyed if Putin opts to start WW3. Putin is trying extra hard to destroy Ukrainian cities.
  15. If he does that, doesn't NATO have to intervene? That would be very, very bad. I wonder if Putin has some kind of dementia or disease. None of what he's doing is rational. He's already defended the DPR and LPR, he doesn't need to expand beyond that.
  16. Yo what? I hope Putin isn't that big of an idiot to risk destroying the planet over his ego.
  17. the idea of a nuclear power undergoing civil war scares the fuck out of me. i don't want any side getting the idea it's okay to use them on the other.
  18. The far-right nationalist Alexey Navalny? That Navalny? Unrelated: crushing the Russian people into dust for the crimes of Vladimir Putin is sadistic and achieves nothing except to make powerless citizens even more powerless.
  19. it makes me extremely angry that everyone talking about the war in Ukraine aren't saying a single word about the USA bombing Somalia. The USA is responsible for many of the problems there.
  20. Good question. I don't have an answer but I could guess based on what Putin has said.
  21. does anyone else remember the time that 4Chan got Oprah to say "over 9000 penises" on her show?
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