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Everything posted by Libra

  1. I'm so jealous of you all </3 All i have is Fashion mag and a tour book.... I would love to own a shirt or something but they're hard to find cause I'm a bit on the bigger side
  2. What if Ultraviolence is a new album?
  3. The link i'm on isn't loading and yes I have an unblocker on. Can someone help me? Is there a direct link? The links up there aren't playing Edit: Nevermind, fixed it. Amazing performance
  4. I think I see Pat there too in the background. Edit: Nevermind, I just realised that it had already been said. Wooops That's so cute though seeing them all together They seem really happy
  5. This truly is super exciting Maybe there will be something in the mag about Tropico?
  6. There's this rumour going around on Tumblr that Tropico premiere is 15th, 16th, and 18th and will go on vevo the 21th. and apparently there will be a teaser this week and one more pic. It's prolly just a bunch of baloney made up by some dumb liar Kinda funny because the source deleted the post afterwards
  7. I wonder if they're going to edit out Lana's tummy rolls...
  8. why do I have this feeling that it's coming out on Halloween Lana is NEVER RELIABLE WHEN IT COMES TO NEWS
  9. Does anyone know a good anime to recommend? Something cute and funny
  10. stupid Rick Nowels, uploading them onto the PUBLIC internet. My life is over
  11. Since apparently it's probably ready, hopefully this means its coming REALLY SOON. I CAN NOT WAIT ANY LONGER. I'm going on a trip soon and I probably won't be able to get wifi. Ugh Lana hurry up and release it
  12. I'm guessing this will only be shown in the States and maybe Europe?
  13. Lol I was laughing at the comment on the second link, "This was from a long time ago, they are friend they even had a sleep over last year with Linsey Lohan."
  14. Power and Control looks amazing <3
  15. I feel like if Lana was a lot bigger here in Canada, and her stuff played on the radio more, Canada would have a better chance of her touring here. It makes me really sad.
  16. Libra


    I love Evanescence. I don't like their newer songs though... the old is the best <3 but I think everyone probably has that opinion?
  17. Libra


    you're all crazy. JFK might be my favorite out of all of them
  18. I agree with everyone else. Those lyrics suck. I still kinda wanna hear it anyway..... Blue Velvet is one of my unpopular favs
  19. If I hear one more comment talking about Lana's body in a bad way I'm going to personally strangle you
  20. I love Lana's long hair. I remember hearing in an interview she said she had oils for her hair to make it soft and long and pretty? I'm still wondering what oils she uses.
  21. Ahh good luck to all of you! Will definitely apply next time as I was too late. This sounds so fun. I'll definitely be checking this thread and watching to see what happens
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