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Everything posted by Libra

  1. I wonder how many white v-necks she owns.
  2. I thought of Jim Jones the whole time I was watching it.
  3. It's using a Summertime Sadness pic, I highly doubt it's authentic.
  4. Libra


    He's quite a nice person actually. My friend is friends with him I'm that insider His music is great tbh
  5. I'm watching this thread like a hawk. I'm so effing excited :deadbanana:
  6. I cried on the inside hearing Serial Killer live.
  7. Libra

    Hilary Duff

    I saw her twice in concert LOL. She was my idol when i was little. Not really liking her new stuff tho... Oh, her Lizzie days <3
  8. Is it confirmed that there is going to be a sequel? Ew.
  9. It's been so long since I watched it but I really liked the one with Jessica Biel. I know texas chainsaw 2 was really bad. A few were pretty bad
  10. I'm suprised nobody has mentioned Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  11. I know this is an old post but I'll play league with you if you still play it. I'm looking for people to play League of Legends with , I don't play with enough friends.
  12. I've started to finally like Heavy Hitter after all this time. It's finally growing on me. I love it.
  13. I actually really like this. Might be her best soundtrack song to date.
  14. Are they ever going to explain the orgy films featuring all the freaks from episode 1 of Freakshow? I never understood that :/
  15. I need to see this, this video definitely looks like it would fit any of Lana's songs.
  16. Odd question but: Is Lana a natural brunette? Cause I noticed her moustache hair is brown.... but in her baby pics, she's always a blonde. lmao maybe I'm just confused
  17. 136. she fucked her way up to the top 'cause it's her show
  18. I'm suprised to see that many others don't like The Other Woman. I just keep skipping through that track... I can't like it.
  19. @@Arzi I don't even know, I guess the guy who posted the original twitter pic
  20. Is it possible you could send me this file if you still have it? I'd love to hear it. Tried searching online but it's nowhere to be found.
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