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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    I hope she's saving the Mad Hatters of this era for the last snippets, cause if she isn't...
  2. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    well, she never died? .-. there are like 8 songs and stories after sippy cup
  3. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    the snippet of show and tell is so... annoying.
  4. Gone user


    oh no sis no is it real? it's so... messy. I'm glad this was scrapped
  5. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    i mean, if 10 people here are saying that and 300+ people on Instagram agree by liking negative comments about it... I don't think it's totally false
  6. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    Definitely my favorite snippet! I love it so much, it sounds so fun and... not like the other snippets, that sound like the same boring ballad with kinda cringy lyrics
  7. Gone user

    Mars Argo

    aaah this aged like milk
  8. Gone user

    Ava Max

    omg... this has to be lady gaga... what the fuck fkdlsñdcpeovfdklsa`vrñpfécd`sñktrvg4lefpoqw`lvrñds,ovkl i just saw it's fake anna ou
  9. You is such a fun song and I love how it's the song the fans hate the most, cause that's exactly what it's about: the fans that criticize every single thing she does
  10. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    A snippet of a "new"" studio version of Night Mime, but it was clearly fake
  11. i thought I'd never... EVER say this but, what if someone reaches Win Edwards? He's her friend
  12. She must have been active on it recently cause she's not private anymore, she changed her settings
  13. She told me it's fine. She's relieved that it at least happened to Parachute because it's super visual and people will "create their own videos" in their minds and she is sure "those videos are great!"
  14. https://music.apple.com/nz/album/looking-for-america-single/1475935067
  15. OMG Looking For AmericaLooking For America, a song by Lana Del Rey on SpotifySpotify
  16. She told me that her label won't fund the Parachute mv
  17. She said "tell me you're ready" and I whispered "i'm ready" but... i wasn't ready
  18. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    ok yeah I'm not trying to sound negative about k-12 anymore but this sounds veeery similar to Highschool Sweethearts and LF... ok but it's good
  19. lmao you really encapsulated a huge percentage of this forum in a single phrase, you're a genius jfkksjdkls
  20. sooooo, what happened with the password on her store in the end? it just disappeared?
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