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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. People who say Video Games is her best music video ever have no personality whatsoever. FJDJFX now seriously, in my opinion you can't compare a random homemade video like VD to something like Ride or National Anthem. And the money spent behind a music video has nothing to do with the quality of it (ex: white mustang), but I think you CAN'T prefer a bunch of random vintage footage over a music video that 1. looks good 2. has a whole plotline 3. follow an overall nice aesthetic.
  2. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    It HAS to be as good as her past music videos, just imagine the mess that her stans will make if the movie was not worth the wait. Imagine waiting 4 years for a White Mustang kind of movie!
  3. Banned for not giving me a reason
  4. Gone user


    yay now we can leave s**** s***** in the past
  5. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    If this movie is bad it's gonna be a BIGGGGGG mess
  6. Was there any period before where Lana was so inactive and uninteresting and boring and people were just discussing random things in the free time?
  7. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    I'm so confused about this movie. I'm confused since that day some official pictures leaked from some scenes, like ??????? how were those pics ready if Melanie hadn't even written the script? I remember she posted several ig stories writing the script months after the leak of those pictures. So the pictures were from... from where.
  8. Banned cause your name has to many Zs
  9. Banned for promoting cigarettes!!!!!
  10. banned for having satanic imagery on your pfp
  11. banned for getting politics into this innocent thread
  12. I'm so sad it got scrapped but I'm waiting for sister End Of The Earth to slay my pure soul, since I can SENSE it will be a slow bop like Immortal, or even like Starring Role
  13. I mean, she took a 4 years break to recover from that, I think she's ready now. She also said she wanted to return to the stages some months ago I believe
  14. 1000 pages of the worst pre-release ever in existence! Venice Bitch is, still, her worst song! CHEERS GUYS!
  15. Gone user

    Zella Day

    the taste!!!!!!! best songs for sure (+ ace of hearts)
  16. Gone user


    When talking about originality I'm not talking about music at all. It's her style, the way she's presenting herself. It's pretentious and FAAAAAKEEEE
  17. Gone user


    You can't convince me that Allie is being a lovely girl finally being herself. She's trying too hard to fit into a community that she's not part of, trying to get with people that will get her more recognition etc etc etc. There's nothing wrong with trying to succeed but to me she's just annoying now.
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