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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. It makes me feel so good... I feel like I'm driving down a long, empty road under the pale blue sky, with my arm outside of the car and some nice expensive sunglasses. Hopeful, happy and calm. Pawn Shop Blues
  2. Yes. This is the best rearrangement or the LFL tracklist I've seen.
  3. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    I can't believe we got it and the allegations came after it and ruined the whole experience. I even forgot about its existence for a while! She also ruined it herself by being so slow
  4. LMAO they dragged you to hell and back sis I- ps: love you
  5. LMAO I want more memes please drag my pretentious 9 year old ass
  6. The fact that I was 9... tragic.
  7. @@PARADIXO love your long posts dedicated to Lana's music. You have a powerful writer inside you, I believe.
  8. This is the best idea I've read. Maybe even change it for ABBAboards? We'll have a Lana Del Rey thread anyways. Now seriously, I think the site really needs an update. Unpopular opinion, but I really love DG's design. This is nothing personal towards Elle or the staff, but the site looks very old to be honest, and some features are very slow and glitchy. I think we need a fresh update and it would look amazing! I really trust that Elle's work on this can make it look amazing and welcoming.
  9. Gone user

    Zella Day

    I need a masterpost!!!! Where can I find one?
  10. She basically went to Hillsong church and people are dragging her cause the church believes in conversion therapy and has had trouble with child abuse
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein_sexual_abuse_allegations#Accusers it goes back to 1998. But you know what, whatever. Maybe she didn't really know and we're really jumping to conclusions so yeah not arguing today lol
  12. Y'all had more energy to criticize Lana for going to church once than when she spent time with Harvey Weinstein and even wrote a song about him. Yikes!
  13. Giving them exposure??!?!!?!? They're all around the world, have a lot of money and are visited by hundreds of celebrities every month
  14. The only big difference between Christianism and Catholicism is that the Christians left the Catholic Church to leave behind the belief of having to pay the church to get salvation, and also the multiple idols the catholics have around the world. Catholic church and christian church both believe in things like homosexuality being a sin. The church isn't a free place, is a religious place, people. All of these artists claiming to be either christian or catholic are so cringy, there are so many things they don't believe in. Believing in God doesn't make you instantly a christian or a catholic. Going to church once doesn't either. Lana went to church once. What's the problem.
  15. LMAO In my opinion all of you are having such an explosive reaction to this. Hillsong Church is a christian church and they follow the Bible rules. the Bible literally calls homosexuality an abomination. What did you expect? Every time an artist gets too serious with *Christian* religion you may know that that's a part of the beliefs. Many many celebrities, in the other hand, believe in God but don't go to church at all. Going to church once won't make you a strict believer and a christian follower. She just went once and probably didn't even care about the service. Hillsong Church is known for their """revolutionary""" worship style. That's why they're famous. Celebrities go there because it's an easy way to feel like they're close to God. I don't know, that's just how it makes sense in my mind.
  16. There's a never-ending list of celebrities that have gone to Hillsong Church, how can people just focus on her
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