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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. Gone user


    December 30th, 2015. The holy day when I listened to CollXtion I for the first time Can't believe I've been loving this eccentric girl for more than a year. Love her so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much
  2. Gone user


    3 YEARS SINCE COLLXTION I WAS RELEASED I still remember the first time I heard this album, and how obsessed I was with it for months!!!!!!!! The story of X, Allie's aesthetic and the overall concept was genius. Happy birthday to ONE. OF. THE. BEST. POP. EPS. IN. HISTORY. PS: Is this truly pop? Don't know, don't care.
  3. Radio is (imo) a very optimistic and happy song but still sounds Glorious and better than most of the songs on LFL
  4. Gone user

    Lady Gaga

    I started stanning last year, I was never interested in her, but I vividly remember hearing her name when I was 8 years old (2010) and already hearing things like "she's a legend" etc etc. I'm so happy for her! I hope her career continues to grow and that she makes music till the last day of her life ❤️ EDIT: lmao my Mac autocorrected stanning to "scanning"
  5. Gone user

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    marry Loreen, fuck Lorde and kill that Misty guy BTD, LFL and Honeymoon
  6. Don't know them a lot, but they seem nice
  7. Gone user

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    ummmmmmm Marry you, fuck WildMustang and kill TLM Electra Heart, Joanne, Cry Baby (as people, not albums)
  8. Awww reading the last two comments made me feel so emotional ☹️ Although LFL has been a messy messy era, it was like the first Lana era for me. I've been listening to her for some years but I was never an active fan. But in this case I was aware of every detail, release, snippet... Also I saw her live for the first time this era! And she included my favorite song by her in LFL, GBA-AATBWII. I will never get over this track. It gives me hope and an instant smile. I'll miss this era once it's ended :''(
  9. Gone user


    I had never seen this. Never. And I'm 100% blown away. This concert has me speechless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmTiqR2_VAw
  10. I think the best order is Murder House – Asylum – Freak Show – Coven – Hotel – Cult – Roanoke because Asylum and Freak Show are connected, and Coven and Hotel have some shared details. Save Roanoke for last bc it's the scariest and the best one ❤️ ❤️ (at least imo obviously)
  11. I used to hate it too. I don't know, there's something strange about that song that made it feel uncomfortable. But bitch, now I love it so much. @ people, give it a chance !!!!
  12. :flutter: :flutter: :flutter: :flutter: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Mermaid Motel
  13. some of the things she used to post are disgusting. Disgusting. Can't believe a someone would ever romanticize these things.
  14. aaaah I love all this praise for her best song
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