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Everything posted by Summersault

  1. No : ((( Do you own a wristwatch?
  2. Yes, Premium. The ads wore me down. Do you own a hammer?
  3. You're right, I'm too old for this s**t
  4. My thoughts go out to the victims and their families in Manchester and the Philliphines being affected right now. What a sad couple of days In regard to the Islam debate, I think that we can and SHOULD criticize Islam as a belief system/ideology, as it is absolutely part of the problem,with fundamentalist terrorism. You can't read this and say that Islam isn't connected to the radicalization of the perpetrator: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/23/manchester-arena-attacker-named-salman-abedi-suicide-attack-ariana-grande As Ayaan Hirsi Ali said so well: No mono-theistic religion is a religion of peace. They all contain the seed of violence as they divide people into categories and claim the truth. Criticizing Islam as an oppressive structure is not the same as criticizing every single muslim practicing their faith, many of whom are victims of terrorism themselves. Saying that there currently is a greater need for seculiarization within Islam than Christianity and Judaism is not the same as saying that Christianity and Judaism hasn't been (or still aren't) oppressive structures as well. /my Hot Take
  5. I feel you..I'm pretty sure Gandalf blows a ship out of pipe smoke in Lord Of The Rings at some point, so that might be the association for me.
  6. Visuals have been far superior to the audio during this first part of the Lust for Life era. LOVE video = STUNNING Trailer = Iconic Her photoshoots = Glamourous But the tracks LOVE, Lust for Life and Coachella (Woodstock on my mind) are sadly not doing a lot for me
  7. Apparently it resembles the theme of the Romeo and Juliet movie, but Lana says she wasn't aware EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCmUWNUzaqo
  8. This totally makes sense Gods & Monsters with the "L.A. L.A." intro, Bel Air, all the scenes of L.A. through out the film. How could Tropico NOT be a reference to Los Angeles? I know she has said before that she just likes certain words that are "heavenly" and "tropical" and what not, but I could totally see her stumbling over some reference to the old neighbourhood and liking it, maybe just from walking around in the area.
  9. Cruel World 114 Brooklyn Baby 128
  10. Her softer LA rock sound always reminded me of Fleetwood Mac. This is amazing!
  11. I'm not a meme type of gal in general but this was literally my reaction:
  12. I'm ready for my Summertime Soundtrack
  13. I'm shook. This was somehow incredibly tacky, endearing and intriguing at the same time, true Lana style.As someone else said: Let's hope she meant soon and not SOON. Just to spoil the mood I did find her a little annoying with that "these are dark and trying times blah blah but I'm an ~artist~ so I get to isolate myself and make music, but don't you worry kids" vibe she had going on
  14. To be honest the song still hasn't grown on me too much. I like it but it's not blowing my mind. But the video: WOW. It's so beautiful, especially the space scenarios. During the first minute or so I thought it erred on the side of unintentional self-parody because the whole "young people seen through a vintage/nostalgia/super 8-aesthethic" has become somewhat trite, but then she threw me for a space loop and made everything interesting again. Queen of innovation and keeping her aesthethic fresh. This is why Instagram hipsters all over the world copy: She's always a step ahead
  15. Summersault


    More videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoxEvZE303A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVZRKAGD-kw
  16. Summersault


    Just wanted to share my hype for this super refreshing duo. Listen to "Hopes Up" and fall in love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_qrF5usW8A They're from Chicago and consist of producer Na’el Shehade and singer Via Rosa. It's melodic, its danceable and Via's voice is amazing. Their debut album "Gallows" is on itunes and Spotify, go'n get you some! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/gallows/id1179640964
  17. Right?? My personal theory is that while The Weeknd and Lanas fanbases do overlap somewhat, when it comes to the fans that are willing to spend time on a fanforum they vary a lot. The dedicated Lana fans on here seem to be leaning more towards pop so at least some of The Weeknds music might not be of interest, while the dedicated Weeknd fans I've encountered on a Weeknd forum seem to be leaning more towards hiphop/R'nB and they don't seem all that interested in Lana either. Still the two collabs alone would justify a little more activity in here I'd say
  18. This would be a dream! One can only hope that Lanas career will span many years ahead until she starts doing those kind of concerts, as some older artists do (Leonard Cohen i.e.)
  19. To me Lanas whole artistic universe has always been about escapism, nostalgia and looking at the world through an aestethic, artistic lens, which is a very beautiful outlook, but highly impractical when searching for political visions. I don't know how much she is able to "snap out" of that artistic outlook, when it comes to making a political analysis of the world to be honest. Some of her remarks about feminism and politics in general makes me think not so much. I DO think she's liberal, but I have a suspicion that her political outlook is more shaped by her association with and fascination of artsy-hippie type of people that she likes to identify herself with, than a genuine sense of social indignation. Which is 100% okay with me. I never look to artists for political responses to the world. Lana is a good artist exactly because she has such a strong artistic vision, and if that means she's too busy living in lala-land to care about politics, I honestly wouldn't be surprised. Her whole "American Dream" theme does seem very inspired by both freedom-loving hippie culture and old-money Republicanism. Not a very consistent political outlook but fabulous entertainment and art. I can live with that.
  20. Just tooting my own horn a bit: I made a mix for the holidays with a lot of Weeknd tracks.
  21. Yeah, it's such a complicated civil war, it's hard to keep track of it all. I completely agree, all we can do is chime in with our voice or a penny.
  22. So many civillians suffering in Aleppo right now from the violence of the Syrian Government in the last rebel-controlled area in East Aleppo. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-38132163 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/attack-on-aleppo-what-we-know-sofar/article33307222/ http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-38327586 I can only recommend donating to Doctors Without Borders or other trustworthy aid organizations and sharing news about the Aleppo. It's a humanitarian disaster
  23. I thought I had found a loop hole Isn't it a bonus track on some editions? I'm gonna change it though.
  24. 1.Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix) 1. EDIT: Dark Paradise (sorry, it just hasn't aged well) 2. YAYO (Paradise version) 3. Diet Mountain Dew (BTD version) 4. Million Dollar Man (BTD studio version is a drag, the live version bangs)1
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