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Everything posted by Summersault

  1. I KNOW RIGHT? And Loft Music, Thursday, The Zone, The Fall...I can't even. Only one's missing are a few tracks off EOS:
  2. There's a channel that has uploaded almost all original instrumentals from Trilogy and Kissland. I'm so excited, finally being able to appreciate those godlike productions on their own Like don't get me wrong, I love Abel's voice and the lyrical universe but still...this is amazing. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5XhKwTMAeA-xhoWsxRausA/videos
  3. I love Beach House's cover as well but I think Lana will give them a run for their money.
  4. The first 30 seconds got me so hyped up, it's ~celestial perfection~ the reverb, the soft synth..I thought she was gonna do something experimental and electronic, but then the beat dropped. The rest of the song will probably grow on me, but compared to the intro it's bland.
  5. I've always felt like there was some kind of connection between them. Not like they met or even knew about each other at first (allthough they certainly did later) but more like they came out of the same movement of mellow, dark and moody music and have the same kind of "sad beauty" aestethic. I could easily see them recognizing themselves in eachothers music. Which is exactly why I'm dissapointed in "Prisoner". They had the potential to do amazing things together and instead we got a really bland track that tries to hard to be "anthemy". Ugh. Hope they'll collaberate in the future when Abel is over his quest for fame. (Not that I blame him, he deserves the spotlight, but his music is suffering from it).
  6. She definitely influenced me. For a long time I was very fascinated with her whole universe and aestethic, so I tried to emulate some of it. But it's hard for me to seperate whetever it was Lana that influenced me or I just really related to her music because I discovered it, at a time of my life where Ionged for that kind of romantic, bohemian way of life.
  7. I remember how a lot of fans thought West Coast sounded boring from the little live snippet she did, and it turned out to be one of her best songs (ok, some may disagree but..) Even though I'm not ecstatic about the Honeymoon snippet, I'm sure I'll end up loving the full version as per usual.
  8. She looks so happy and free during Us Against the World. In general her vocals seem so on point. I don't even know if any of it is gonna be on Honeymoon, this whole tour seems to be for shits and giggles and I'm so here for it.
  9. This is my fear. Like, why is the band just jamming along to studio recordings...on stage? I could understand if it was in a rehearsal studio. It just seems a tad random to pull out those old unreleased songs, but I hope I'm wrong. Us Against the World live ......
  10. She's so unbelievably beautiful and whenever I'm about to forget she stunts on me like this
  11. Thanks for making me aware of that! What kind of flawless live renditions
  12. Summersault


    Oracular Spectacular was and is still a wonderful listen. Haven't really listened to their latest stuff. Should I? Meanwhile I'll rejoice to this bouncy demo version of Electric Feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBv30E8JHZ0
  13. Summersault


    HONNE is a London-based duo making downtempo, electro infused soulpop. Sounds a bit like a more extroverted Rhye. They also make dope remixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edhAx-p0qKY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_hYq93qzWc Check out their soundcloud for more music: https://soundcloud.com/hellohonne
  14. Lana looks flawless and it's always nice to see Kanyes genuinely smiling but...the chair though. Love it. Need it. Can't afford it.
  15. Tbh Every time he opens his mouth I kinda wanna chew on tinfoil but they look so damn good together.
  16. Haha, ditto. I thought she was soooo pretentious at first. Little did I know...
  17. ***Flawless What would you like to apologize for?
  18. [ media ] videourl [ / media ] without the spaces usually works. I think this belong in tech questions though?
  19. This thread went 0 to 100 real quick At this point I really wonder what she means with "noir" and "jazz-inspired", it could be anything really. Listening to UV gave me the sense that when she says "inspired by jazz" it's more about a certain mood and colour and not so much actual jazz music.
  20. From the very first time I heard it I thought it would be a great song to end a movie with. Maybe because the credits would go well with the organ part pr something. It just has idk closure to it?
  21. Luscious angel Only thing that seems off to me is that dark brown lipstick. It's not the most flattering colour for her and clashes with the dress. Reminds me of the Paradise era though. I feel like she's warming up her glamour game again, maybe as a shift towards a new Honeymoon aestethic.
  22. 99% sure she's imitating Marilyn Monroe who also tended to end her phrases in that kind of "flutter". Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eDHlgnRuaM
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