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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lola in Bob Leone talks about Lana, Gaga & "So Legit"   
    "He helped transform her from a painfully shy teenager to a world superstar – and as Lady Gaga prepares to launch new album Artpop, he should be basking in glory.
    But instead, music manager Bob Leone, who also set Lana Del Rey on her path to fame, is broke and homeless, forced to move back in with his frail 88-year-old mother.
    He claims that Gaga, 27, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, left him ruined – failing to reward him after he helped land her first major record deal.
    And he says his grievances against the flamboyant New York-born singer has been taken up by Del Rey, who has blasted Gaga in a string of sharp-tongued lyrics.
    The jibes, which appear in the  lyrics of her new song So Legit, include: ‘Stefani, you suck, I know you’re selling 20 million. Wish they could have seen you when we booed you off in Williamsburg.’
    Leone says the lyrics reflect Lana’s fury at the way Gaga and her father Joe failed to reward him. 
    ‘She was very upset at the way I had been treated,’ he said. ‘We’ve spoken about it. She feels it wasn’t right.’
    Leone, 64, discovered Gaga at the Triad Theatre, Manhattan, in 2000, when he was National Project Director at the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
    The young Stefani, then just 14, attended several of his songwriting workshops.
    He said: ‘She was painfully shy back then. When she came to one of my open mic sessions with her mother, she’d just look at the floor and her feet.
    ‘I went over to her and said, “Stefani, I know why you feel intimidated, as everyone is older in here, but promise me when you come back next week, I want you to get up on stage and hear what you got.”
    ‘And she did. That’s when I knew that she was going to be a superstar. Although I never knew she would be this popular and more recognisable than Obama and Oprah.
    ‘I asked when she was only 17, “What do you want as a creative  person, to be known for great songwriting?” She looked me in the eye and without hesitation said, “I want world domination.’”
    At the time, Leone held showcases at a Manhattan venue, inviting acts from across the US to perform in front of top record company bosses. He put his young starlet Stefani on the bill in front of record executive Wendy Starland.
    Impressed, Starland was keen to pair Stefani with Rob Fusari, who went on to co-produce Gaga’s debut album The Fame. The pair recorded a demo and Stefani signed a record deal just months later in September 2006. It was at this point that Leone stopped playing an active role in  her career.
    But he claims promises made just before this major breakthrough, in the six months when he was officially working as Gaga’s manager, were never kept, mainly due to the involvement of her father, Joe.
    Leone said: ‘She [Gaga] said to  her dad he could be her business manager, but she wanted me as her manager as she wanted to sign with a major label.
    ‘I was happy to then stand aside, glad I could help, but Joe never forgave me for being her manager.
    ‘He despised me for accepting the offer to manage her. When I asked for a contract, he constantly came up with excuses why not, which went on for a couple of months, but he said, “I give you my word, you’ve been into my house, when you get her the major record deal, you will be fairly compensated.”
    ‘That never happened... I was just tossed aside. 
    ‘I love Stefani, I miss Stefani. I grieved for her when she became Lady Gaga. She literally transformed into a different human being. I grieved for years.’
      Leone’s row with Gaga’s father reignited in 2010 when, struggling for cash, he decided to auction off a collection of unreleased CDs and recordings that the pair had made when she was a teenager. Within hours her legal team had quashed the release and threatened Leone. ‘Some of this music dated back to when she was 15. I thought it was maybe worth a lot. But as soon as it was made public, their lawyer called me.
    ‘He called me four times with ridiculous threats about copyright infringement and violating propriety rights of her name.
    ‘It was David versus Goliath and I accepted a settlement of $10,000 dollars. $1,000 of that went to my lawyer, $3,000 to the auction house, so I was left with $6,000.’
    Now broke, Leone reveals he may one day be forced to sell the only letter he has from Gaga in a bid to raise more cash after leaving his Manhattan home.
      ‘I lived there for 31 years, but it got to point where I couldn’t afford it, my savings had disappeared  and I had no choice but to move back to be with my mother. I live on a  disability cheque and that’s it. I found Gaga but I haven’t got a penny from her.’ Despite his predicament and his grievances with Lady Gaga, Leone holds no grudges against Lana Del Rey, despite not receiving any financial reward for her success.
    He says this is because he was only Del Rey’s mentor and never acted as her manager,
    Leone believes her father’s personality had a marked impact on Lady Gaga.
    He said: ‘She says she did it [seek fame] for world domination and to be more famous than anyone else, but I think the reason she wanted that was to get her father’s approval.’
    A spokesman for Lady Gaga declined to comment."
  2. Nastja liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Playing Dangerous in West Hollywood (August 24th)   
    I love how her reaction to getting a ticket is looking at it like    
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana Playing Dangerous in West Hollywood (August 24th)   
    I tought it was a performance
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Playing Dangerous in West Hollywood (August 24th)   
    Source: http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/g_0ZnrNUGRJ/Lana+Del+Rey+Gets+Ticket+While+Out+WeHo/TdJ4teTCfxT

    Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer
    No, I wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana and Jaime out together! (24th August 2013)   
    they look like a qt les couple (barrie who?) and is jaime pregnant?
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Smiley Requests   
    idk what to call this one lul..
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Blue Jeans in "Summertime Sadness" video film location   
    Summertime Sadness' video has been my favorite since it came out. I think it would be cool to know where it was filmed. I researched and found out that it was filmed in Santa Clarita, California, by Jaime King and her husband. In the video, you can see it is filmed mostly on a road, somewhere in the mountains that surround or are near Santa Clarita. In still photos, you can see a trash can in the background so I am assuming it was filmed at the King's house or someone's house that overlooked a valley, where Lana "killed herself" by falling off of the rocky edge of the sidewalk. Now, I'm not trying to be a stalker, I don't want to know where the Kings live, but this video has significant personal value to me and it would mean a lot if I knew where the video was filmed. I've looked but I can't figure out exactly where it was filmed. If you could help, that would be great. 
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Well she does have a taste for men who are older.
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    First, he's honestly not an ugly man. You don't have to find him attractive, but let's be real; it's not like he's offensive to look at. Also, who honestly cares what Barrie is wearing? We're not on BarrieBoards tbh.
    Like I said before, WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT BARRIE IS WEARING? He's never exactly been Mr. GQ, so I don't know why everyone has such high expectations for him. He really shouldn't have to care and I can see where he wouldn't.
    As I mentioned, I'm not some huge Barrie advocate who's just in love with him, I could take him or leave him (as long as Lana's happy, so am I) but all this hating and fashion-shaming doesn't make any fucking sense to me idk...
  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Kerrigan in Lana Attends An Alcohol Anonymous Meeting, in LA (August 21st)   
    ready 2 hire a hitman 2 burn that hat    
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by LDRO in Lana Attends An Alcohol Anonymous Meeting, in LA (August 21st)   
    Lana Del Rey was spotted yesterday at the Lions Club, in West Hollywood, attending an AA meeting with a friend, giving advice to other alcoholics! 


    More Photos Here: http://lanadelreyonline.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=459
  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Re: Steven Mertens, I can't remember if someone has found this yet.  Interview with Spacecamp, which Mertens played bass/vocals in
    SPACECAMP: Ok this is an awesome question. You know that girl Lana Del Ray? She has about 6,455,290,001 hits on Youtube with her song "Video Games." Well, we were her back up band once cuz her and Steven used to make-out sometimes, for like a year. Well, turns out it wasn't him, it wasn't him, it wasn't all for him cuz she wanted to make-out with someone else one week. I mean look at her. If you had those lips you would want to press them up against a lot of stuff. I would too. So one day Steven comes to practice and tells us he's a bit down cuz he's wondering where she and her mouth had gone off to the night before. I told him he didn't want to know. He agreed and we all started laughing and jamming and we wrote that African influenced song Alibi about Lana and Steven. They're friends now and laugh and joke about where their lips have been.
    JK, it's about our friend Lizzy who is a friend of Carly's. She's been looking for an apartment for about three years and her parents are starting to get worried. So we wrote a song for her parents.
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    she looks so chic / parisian and i can smell barrie from here wtf get it together 
    guess that affinity for trailer trash spills over onto her taste in men forreal 

  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by PinUpGaloreLana in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    Lana omg, this is the most impeccable i've seen you in a while!
      She looks stunning.
    Damn it Barrie, i try not to judge, but damn it Barrie.
  15. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Summersault in SitarHero Gives You Your Own LDR Nickname [3.0]   
    It sounds like a lolita doll
  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by xratedcuntxrated in Beyoncé   
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Beyoncé   
    Speechless is irreplacable imo
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by kooppes in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Hi guys, 
    I just wanted to post some drawings, I've made lately. You can show other drawings of my artwork about Lana here: 
    Sorry to promote myself, but I don't really get it how to post more than 2 pics in a topic.    Hope you enjoy it !

  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    I totally overlooked the "eight years ago" part at first ( at a possible reference to Sirens or her other early recordings) but I'd been meaning to contact Steven Mertens for months since @@Trash Magic and I put some things together about him (which perhaps belong in Lanalysis). When I saw she mentioned him by name in this article, I got on that immediately and sent him an e-mail. I'll report back any response, but please don't bother him in case it interferes with my attempts to correspond with him.
    In addition to sharing the bill with her at a Cross-Pollination show, and playing in her backing band as TPD noted (he's the guy that looks sort of like McNulty from The Wire in the Canal Room videos), Mertens has actually been referred to in at least two other interviews with Lana. Remember that Megan and Menace in the Mornings interview?
    (You can listen here at around 5:20.) Regina Spektor (who TPD notes Mertens also played for) is married to Jack Dishel who was in a band called The Moldy Peaches. Guess who else was in The Moldy Peaches? Steven Mertens. I wasn't completely convinced at first that that's who she was talking about (I thought it was more likely another Moldy Peaches member, Adam Green, since his initials are AG, likely a red herring) until @@Trash Magic pointed out something I'd missed-- in that Mizrahi interview she said:
    A little digging shows that Steven Saint = Steven Mertens (see here and here).

  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I'm gonna print out this picture and tape it onto a Catholic prayer candle.
    (I've done the same with a picture of Dolly Parton tbh)
  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    "they don't love me anymore? but ... i'm still young n' beautiful ... well FINE THEN I GUESS I'M QUITTING LOL"

    its kind of like when people threaten to leave this forum but never actually do
    bby just wants to know she's still loved ... but being dramatic as per usual 
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by microgrooove in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    In my mind, 'sizzling like a snare' was heard as 'sizzling like a snail'....which doesn't even make sense 
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