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World Princess

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Everything posted by World Princess

  1. This sounds so stupid but I feel like with the recent announcement of a single actually coming I can finally listen to her music and enjoy it without feeling angry or sad that there is nothing coming.
  2. I hope she announces some merch before her tour begins.
  3. x1000 TF this is getting released
  4. I like living in fantasy so my vote is for surprise release Roll on next week, if Miss Ferreira is releasing it's got to be a sign.
  5. Chorus already stuck in my head after two plays. Flowers in my hair I belong by the sea ​Where we used to be Sitting by the orange trees Summer in the air Bodies in the heat Just you and me Sitting by the orange trees
  6. Love it more than Superstar but less than Handmade Heaven. Although I love all songs so far
  7. Hoping the weather outside is nice Friday to match the theme
  8. Ugh love that song! You tell me what to say and wear You say that it's because you care Well I prefer to be alone Than live a life that not my own
  9. World Princess


    I'm so excited for this but hate when albums are announced so early with no release date in sight *cough* Lana *cough* Although I know she has no control over when these articles come out so I'm glad she announced it first.
  10. I can't believe I'm believing her this time
  11. Right so I had a dream that she randomly dropped this on iTunes for 54.99 it was basically this visual album that had this different chapters/videos which were about 22mins in length. Then after all of them there was 9 songs that were all 8. something in length. I hope you've all got your coins ready
  12. World Princess


    Finally bought this and having my first listen. The album is currently on Business Dinners
  13. World Princess


    omg best news to wake up to rn
  14. World Princess


    I'm listening to the previews on iTunes and it sounds so good! Roll on Friday when I get paid so I can drop my coins on this.
  15. Snippet of win https://www.instagram.com/p/BuzR76JFyCw
  16. World Princess


    Black Magic Visual Not me turning into a full blown fucking Stan today, she really did work her Black Magic
  17. New music Sunday on BBC R1 https://twitter.com/weareshura/status/1104034092163743744
  18. World Princess


    So I downloaded Immaculate Conception from her Soundcloud as I saw she was giving it away for free. Slightly obsessed already. Will be giving her my coins
  19. World Princess


    Just listened to some of her music and wow definitely someone I'll be keeping on my radar!
  20. The production credits and the fact we are getting an album trailer tomorrow
  21. World Princess


    Haven't listened to the performances yet but I'm so stoked for this mixtape
  22. World Princess

    Charli XCX

    dreamer / backseat 3am / out of my head blame it on you / lucky roll with me / tears emotional / i got it ily2 / femmebot white roses / delicious babygirl / unlock it --- can't decide drugs / porsche lipgloss / track 10
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