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Everything posted by PinUpGaloreLana

  1. The look when someone says they hate Burning Desire... wouldnt know what to even call it tbh...
  2. PinUpGaloreLana

    Song vs. Song

    Ridin' Vs Chet Baker Chet baker is the cutest thing i have ever heard from her
  3. Everyone helped her tastefully decorate the place with flamingos, christmas lights and cheap backdrops
  4. PinUpGaloreLana

    Song vs. Song

    Dangerous girl vs Jimmy Gnecco
  5. And then it rained. (On her parade lolwut) So she..
  6. How the fuck did Drake get 2nd place... He looks like a frog. Why dont people see that?! It really bothers me y'know?
  7. Lets pretend the red scarf isnt there?<3 i was too lazy to edit it out or find another picture Lana get yo' ass to Newcastle<3
  8. She becomes best friends with the fans that stuck with her from the beginning (thats us)!
  9. Big spender in my pants. Hello;)
  10. The song plays on speakers and radios all around the world. Everyone slowly wakes up and...
  11. You know you're a Lana Fan when: -You take a sudden liking to older men. -When you start posing in the mirror like Lana does in her photoshoots...... -When you suddenly want a Ferrari Jacket - When you smile everytime you drink pepsi "Well we know what this tastes like, dont we now?" -When you hear Miss USA being said or Beauty Queen and think of Lana - When you hear National Anthem being said and assume they mean Lana.. - When you have hundreds of bloody GIFs and pictures of her saved on your computer and you cant ever find the one you're looking for -When you're prepared to pay £25 for a shitty t-shirt, except it has Lana on, so you dont even think its that shitty. - When you start calling people "Honey, Sunshine, Sweetie, Baby, Baby doll," and other things Lana says -When you start mentally dating Lana
  12. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Break my fall Will you ever get to heaven?: Blue Velvet Song you dance to at your wedding: Hollywood's Dead This song contains the name of your first-born: Backfire (LOOL OFFICER BROWN, Okay sweetie) Song played at your funeral: I Dont Wanna Go What do you want right now?: Us Against the world Song that describes your sex life: Westbound (Yes he ditched me. Fucking Typical. ) How will you die?: Take Me To Paris Your life motto: Burning Desire What do you look for in a girl/guy?: Dangerous Girl Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: A Star For Nick What people think of you: Driving In Cars With Boys (People think i'm a crazy-ass hoe. Sweet.) Where will you live?: Back To The Basics What is your vice?: Go Go Dancer (omg.. its true...) What is the most important thing in your life?: Prom Song (Gone Wrong) Who do you look up to?: Velvet Crowbar (Yes i look up to a crowbar. But its different cause' its made of velvet. Therefore it is acceptable. ClassyAsF)
  13. For Christ's Kangeroo And Dog FDJIG
  14. Aw. Now i know theres going to be one and im going to be waiting....why did i come here... You're right ignorance is bliss at the best of times
  15. It can be, but you have to admit that we do seem to get a lot more rain than most other countries or than what some people are used to, say from abroad.
  16. Lmao i just went on the surf noir one and scrolled down and read this: Lizzy Grant was born on the day of Worldly Rapture. She is inspired by Caffeine, G-d, and David Lee Roth. She spent two years as a trapese artist in a southern California circus. She's been married four times in 5 countries. Having shared the stage with such acts as Mirah, The Blow, and John Mayer, it's no surprise that she's one of the most sought after and intriguing acts to have errupted on the New York music scene. A regular friend and influence on the downtown crowd, Lizzy Grant has been named the unofficial sweetheart by hipster musicologists everywhere. A winner of the Williamsburg Live Songwriting Contest, and notorious femme fatale, she's sweeter than yo mama's apple pie The fuck. You would, wouldnt you lana?
  17. Loool i love seeing people wonder why it rains so much in england. I wish i knew. Try living here in all that bastard rain. You get used to it, dont worry
  18. PinUpGaloreLana

    Song vs. Song

    Pin Up Galore vs Aviation
  19. Here, who is Noir about, or jealous girl, or break my fall?
  20. I seriously hate it at the end when she sniffs and says "Oh my god." Im like Aw, baby doll is crying!! :'( fucking cunt who made her cry...
  21. Aw no, are you shitting me Lana? WHY?! I liked the first few but "Chateau Marmont"? Sure, its a nice place but is it completely necessary to permanently make it a part of your skin? :S Oh well, I still love her, even if her tattoos are getting a little....too much?
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