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  1. How vain some people are... Lana has never cared about fashion and those vanities since the beginning. Some people here really treat her like a puppet or a barbie, and if she doesn't behave, act or looks like they want, they scold her. Stop projecting yourselves onto her. PLEASE
  2. I understand the curiosity, and yes Lana has the same fascination with bob Dylan, but you will never see her doing horrible comments of his girlfriends on social media or attacking him; thats not fan behavior, thats weirdo behavior
  3. Y'all should stop with the gossip, its disrespectful
  4. so what do you want them to do? anarchy? a country without cops? It would be the only country without cops, and how would that work? Are Americans stupid or brainwashed...
  5. Yes there are... there are good people and bad people everywhere. Do people really think a country can function without authority?
  6. So you are insulting peoples favorite albums because they are insulting yours? People have different tastes, get over it
  7. ok nfr is a bad album to you, but why are you trying to convince us?
  8. Why does every celebrity have to be a communist now? Everyone who has at least a bit of knowledge in economy knows that that system doesn't work...
  9. Leaks really affect the sales, The greatest and FILY didn't even enter the top 40 in iTunes because everyone already heard it. So sad for Lana...
  10. idk barrie is not the only ex that doesn't live in california
  11. I hope her anger does not make her cancel the record, she deserves the recognition
  12. Both are wrong. Period. Lana is against both, and rightfully so.
  13. Is not about the money. Is about her hard work being shared without her consent. by the date we can assume that she wants a grammy, and to have that you have to do well in the charts.. Its all spoiled.
  14. How can people judge an album by its era. Thats just a fallacy. Y'all sound like those critics that judged lanas music by her image. Be more objective
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