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Everything posted by elllipsis

  1. Oh honey, those pants. They do nothing for her figure... She looks gorgeous otherwise & that last pic, omg. (Btw, are those really Converse?!)
  2. @@Philomene Totally agree. There was a certain continuity / link between the first 2 gens, while the 3rd seemed like a completely different series imo. And everything felt contrived - the storylines, their appearance... Like the writers were trying way too hard to seem 'cool'. I liked Rich, Grace too (to some extent), but by the end of S5 I was already annoyed with what they'd done with the couple. I kinda sorta liked Mini but other than that either disliked or was indifferent to everyone else. Imo the series should have ended after S4 tbh. I'll eventually watch S6 for, you know, ~closure but it's just not the same.
  3. Oh, forgive us ignorant and unworthy swines for having and expressing an opinion on your country, that was way out of line.
  4. I watched all of S5 but none of S6. I don't even know why tbh... I liked most of it (and LOVED Rich's episode) but I guess I never really managed to relate to the characters as much as I did during gens 1 & 2. I never felt, idk, 'emotionally attached' (for lack of a better expression) to any of them the same way I did to Cassie, Effy or Cook, for instance. Did you watch it? What did you think of it, in general? In your opinion how does it compare to the other 2 gens? Please try not to spoil me though, I will watch it eventually...
  5. @@Philomene No, not yet. And I love her too!
  6. I was actually thinking that when I wrote my previous post. Their 'love' is as incestuous as it is narcissistic. They basically love eachother because they love themselves.
  7. I see it tbh. And Skins writers would. The fanmade videos are more manipulative than anything, as they include completely unrelated and/or decontextualized stuff just because it fits the narrative, but the Beth/Effy thing is too obvious to not be intentional. I mean, she was literally the girl of his dreams, the one he picked to guide him out of his troubles and doubts and erectile disfunction, and she had the same name as his sister, looked and dressed similarly & even acted a fair bit like her. What was always obvious to me is that she was the only person in the world he considered his equal and truly respected, and the same happened with Effy re: Tony. So it's not hard to imagine (especially given the whole dream sequence episode) that, had she not been his sister, he would've easily fallen in love with her / wanted to be with her. I don't think it ever went beyond this though, it was never more than platonic imo. I kinda disagree with what you said about Skins not having been brave enough to face it though; I think they did (through his dream + her mental health issues). Maybe not in a super obvious, 'foolproof' way, but it could've easily become crass and distasteful had they done it any other way imo. I also think there wasn't much else to face or do with that theme; it was something that existed and would probably never completely disappear for as long as they lived, but each of them dealt with it in a more or less conscious way (dream + therapy) & tried to move on.
  8. @@Philomene Totally agree. I'd personally pick Cook over Freddie (or Tony, tbh) any day of the week. I like my boys bad, I guess. Hmm, I don't know... I mean, there were those obvious references to it in 1x08 and it's true that Tony and Effy had a very close & kinda unique relationship, but it never felt creepy or weird to me tbh. But it's been a while since I last watched it, maybe I'm missing obvious allegories or something... Btw, are you referring to Tony & Effy only, or any other characters as well? My fave episodes are 3x10, 4x02 & also anything involving Cassie. And OMFG what?!
  9. Hey, she's the one who says her lyrics are '100% autobiographical'. And we're just taking what she says at face value because tbqh it's way more fun than the alternative.
  10. I agree, but at the same I get the impression that in this case it went a bit further than that, if My Momma's lyrics are anything to go by.
  11. That Bonnie & Clyde episode was perfection. Except for the ending, of course. I'm convinced that the reason they were paired as the main ~romantic couple is simply that they were the most conventionally attractive of the bunch. Also the reason why they have so many shippers imo. Because lbr, they had no substance whatsoever. I liked Freddie & his own story, I thought he was a very relatable character; he ended up as my least fave character of that gen though, and only because of his relationship with Effy. It was incredibly contrived and made no sense; like, completely out of the blue these 2 people are suddendly madly in love with eachother?! Like you said, their relationship was never developed; they were just paired together & all of a sudden we were supposed to buy their mad, neverending love. I'll never forgive the writers for fucking up Effy/Cook the way they did. They had such great dynamic as a couple and, for instance, it would have been really interesting to see Effy deal with her mental health issues with someone like Cook by her side, imo. Idk, I just think their relationship had a lot of dramatic potential but that was completely disregarded for the sake of, what, a prettier pairing? NEVAH FORGET
  12. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/147-my-momma/
  13. My only qualm with cultural appropriation criticism is that nowadays it seems to progressively be turning into an unspecific knee-jerk reaction & little more than a hot trend for many armchair SJWs. However, if it's well-founded, by all means.
  14. Aww! I'm not a stan but I like her a lot. The hate she gets is insane, idgi. Also loved Bobby & A Prairie Home Companion. And Mean Girls, obvs! Can't wait to watch The Canyons; I have this crazy feeling that it will end up becoming a cult film.
  15. But of course you do. :defeated: We were separated at birth, I swear.
  16. Chuck just tweeted this & wrote 'TROPICO': Cue the 'cultural appropriation' brigade once again tbh...
  17. Did you guys watch 'I Know Who Killed Me'? It was a complete mess but I'm not even gonna lie, I liked it.
  18. OMG yesss! Mine too!!! Infinitely better than Effy & Freddie, they were so bland / annoying together ugh. Still haven't watched any of this.
  19. 3 more, just 'cause. :lipstick: :meltdown: :jimhairflip:
  20. :flutter: OMG I KNOW! Or Push Me Down, or Catch and Release... I *love* her darker, dirtier songs sooo much!
  21. Not even a pair. Do you own a waterbed?
  22. elllipsis

    Iggy Azalea

    Me, it's the other Azealia I really dislike tbh.
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