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Everything posted by elllipsis

  1. elllipsis

    Night Moves

    New band I recently discovered & have been obsessing about lately. http://nightmovesmpls.com/ "Formed in 2009 by guitarist and vocalist John Pelant, bassist Micky Alfano and multi-instrumentalist Mark Ritsema, Night Moves is a distinctly original concoction. Their honey-dipped sound seethes with a kind of down-home tenderness — and like the best glittering music — the arrangements are colossal in shape. Night Moves’ powerful debut Colored Emotions is this Minneapolis group’s first album." Their music is a mix of synth + psych pop; they remind me a little bit of MGMT. 2 songs from their first album 'Colored Emotions': This song is gorgeous and the vid is just perfect - visually stunning & sooo sexy. I love it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w720DSM8b1c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYQWnMac-40 Aaand they've been opening for Father John Misty - whom I adore. They also played at Lolla yesterday.
  2. They can do that if they're big enough (as in, from a B cup upwards) & not fake. Tits are mostly fat, so... That seems like a, uh... odd thing to do in a random photo though.
  3. I honestly prefer having to endure a few fashion blunders (like this dress, which I personally hate) than see her lose her personal style and look like everyone else.
  4. elllipsis

    Song vs. Song

    TOSTB vs For K Part 2
  5. Can anyone ID those boots Lana wore in Chicago?
  6. I'm pretty sure that was yet another silly attempt at humour tbh - although saying 'So Legit' is a new track / from some album is just plain inexcusable ignorance. And of course they know; playing down her popularity & relevance is just yet another way of taking a jab at Lana. That's Howard Stern for you. Howard's OK in my book (if you're not easily offended & can take disproportionate amounts of really crude humour - which I can) but I never liked Robin for some reason.
  7. http://vimeo.com/71259440 I'm actually listening to and watching it, because this video is just gorgeousss.
  8. Adam Green & Binki Shapiro - Casanova
  9. Yes. Do you own a record player?
  10. elllipsis


    I only think she's controversial to the extent that she says and does things people don't want to hear or see. And despite the media's efforts to discredit her (in particular, there's an article in the NY Times that's downright revolting), the criticism and death threats she's received, she still doesn't shut up.
  11. elllipsis

    Katy Perry

    Not at all a fan of her music but I met her once and she's suuuper nice, so... can't hate.
  12. elllipsis


    Mostly because of her controversial political opinions (I only know a little bit about that though since Sri Lankan politics really aren't my thing, but I know she's often been criticized by her own countrymen because of her political beliefs) and how she's not afraid to shock in order to spread her message / be politically incorrect / go against the opinion of the majority. She does it for something she truly believes in and fights for, and not simply as a marketing strategy to get easy publicity and pop star fame, and I really fucking respect that.
  13. elllipsis


    I like her a lot. Really admire her strong-mindedness and 'rebel with a cause' attitude. In terms of her music I only ever listened to Kala and a couple more songs though, still have to listen to her other 2 albums. Tbh I think I could very easily stan for her, and that's definitely saying something. Oh, and I also think 'Bad Girls' is quite simply the best music video ever, bar none.
  14. elllipsis

    Song vs. Song

    Making Out vs St. Tropez
  15. Not even gonna lie, clowns creep me out.
  16. Just read what you'd written and tbh it's me who should learn2readingcomprehension.
  17. Fascinated with old movie stars and Old Hollywood glamour, loves class and elegance. Oh, and Lana.
  18. I don't think that means much, tbh. Maybe at first he just didn't associate sultry, vampy, successful Lana with cute, struggling artist Lizzie? Or maybe he simply doesn't remember a girl he once had a one night stand with or something? Not an uncommon thing for a guy in a rock band, especially one that looks like Jimmy. My point is, even if he isn't lying it doesn't necessarily mean they never met or had no contact whatsoever with eachother, imo. I kinda believe something happened between them (not even necessarily a fling, she could have just met him one night and thought they shared a 'special connection' or something like that), something that was completely meaningless to him but fuelled (or initiated?) her obsession.
  19. She reminds me of Julia Roberts sooooooooo much in that pic! Am I the only one?! It's so weird, 'cause she doesn't look like JR *at all* and I've never spotted the resemblance in any other photo, but in this one it's uncanny (for me, anyway).
  20. Me neither. I actually want an antique ring; there's a jewelry store in my hometown that specializes in old-fashioned luxury pieces, and I want my future engagement ring to be bought there.
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