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Everything posted by elllipsis

  1. elllipsis

    Lady Gaga

    YES and it's a good look for her. Also - and please don't think I'm crazy lol - I kinda see Keira Knightley in that pic, somehow?!
  2. elllipsis

    Lady Gaga

    omfg she looks sooo good here i'm in shock tbh
  3. elllipsis

    Death Grips

    @@lola @ ok, I'm totally sold. the sampling in Exmilitary is fucking genius & dem aggressive beats~~ fave track right now is 'i want it i need it (death heated)' :bodyisready:
  4. I'm a sucker for this type of thing so I've known mine for years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrklBcXIQmU the whole album tbh. I have some trouble picking a Lana song because it's not something I'd really consider for my own funeral lmao. But for the sake of the game~~ probably AKA Yayo (inb4 this is the most popular choice )
  5. This kinda reminded me what they say about BDSM relationships that 'the submissive is the one with the power'. It's true.
  6. Kiwi is what you call people from New Zealand.
  7. I agree with a big part of what you said, but I don't think she was trying to be controversial tbh. If anything, she was trying to be politically correct by saying something *a lot * of people strongly believe in these days. I think it's kinda sad that a portion (because not all of it is like this, not by any means) of the feminist movement is less about true empowerment & telling women it's ok to make their own choices, and more about dictating how a feminist & empowered woman should behave and be like, and trying to impose those views on all other women regardless of how they actually feel about them. This pretty much sums up my opinion on what I just said: It sure as hell wasn't right when men did it, and it's still not right when women do it either. About what Lorde said: imo (and like I said before in that status) that's an invalid criticism when it comes to music or any other type of art. I don't think artists should 'moderate' themselves or 'rethink' what they want to sing or write about because of a potential copy-cat effect on their audience. She didn't lie though, the drug-loving, adulterous & men-dependent lifestyle Lana sings about & seems to be fascinated with isn't exactly the healthiest in the world; however, and even though she eventually became a role model (even if she never wanted it, she didn't have a choice), Lana is first and foremost a musician & imo her primary concern while writing music can't be 'oh dear, how negatively will this influence my fans?'.
  8. Not a whole lot to add, just wanted to say that was the best status ever tbh. Genuinely interesting discussion & opinions (for the most part).
  9. @ Great catch!! Re: the impact on the lyrics - do you think it could be just the '50s song' she talks about in the lyrics (even if it's actually a 60s song...), or do you think it could go any deeper than that? Pretty cute song btw.
  10. I don't buy for a single second that American is about Barrie. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Dude's white af, his skin certainly isn't 'golden brown'. He also doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd listen to Crystal Method or drives fast around LA flirting with random girls, he actually seems like the exact opposite of that. And am I the only one who thinks Bel Air is simply about / inspired by Axl Rose? It's full of GnR references (run to heavens gates, sweet child of mine, idol of roses iconic soul) & this line - You've got a flair for the violentest kind of love anywhere out there - also fits. Besides, well, it wouldn't be the first time she wrote about him, would it?
  11. elllipsis

    Say Lou Lou

    @@Baby V Alex Any news on the album / release date? I need it in my life!
  12. I absolutely hated Off To The Races the first time I listened to it. Idk if I was outta my mind high or just momentarily insane but yeah, I hated it. Now it's one of my fave Lana songs, top 3 for sure.
  13. Nah, we'd be all like Y'all know it's true. :hairflip2:
  14. elllipsis

    Cœur de pirate

    @ I didn't know she'd covered The Weeknd! That's pretty good, her voice really suits the song & I love how raw it is.
  15. elllipsis

    Cœur de pirate

    WELL, I MEAN What's there not to like? Ok, I'll stop.
  16. elllipsis

    Cœur de pirate

    Are the ' :hdu: ' for liking 'Pour un infidèle' or for saying Julien Doré could get it? Or both?! I'm not a huge fan or anything but her first album is just, idk, really pleasant and relaxing to listen to. And I already knew French.
  17. elllipsis

    Cœur de pirate

    I like 'Pour un infidèle', both the song and video are very cute. and Julien Doré could sooo get it tbh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heI6UT55ZZ0
  18. elllipsis

    David Bowie

    Paris is definitely a possibility! Do you have any idea if dates have announced? I can't seem to find anything...
  19. elllipsis

    David Bowie

    I just found out about this. From March to July I went to London 5 TIMES and the exhibition ended YESTERDAY. I didn't know about it. Brb killing myself.
  20. Coincidentally, just saw this on twitter - http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/aug/12/apple-iphone-september-launch?CMP=twt_gu
  21. Oop, I genuinely thought this would be a Fiona Apple thread. It's not even that anymore since everyone and their dog has an iPhone/iPod now. But I do agree that they're overrated and, most especially, overpriced. Their products' quality is undeniable imo but you pay a fuckton for branding & design. Also, fucking iTunes. Never bought an Apple product (both my iPods were gifts) & I'll sure as hell never own an iPhone (Android >>>>). A while ago I was seriously tempted to buy a Mac (I'll have to buy a new laptop soon, probably still this year) but now I'm unsure.
  22. Nothing? Simply not filled in. omg @@getdrunk, comment twins!
  23. elllipsis

    Death Grips

    Kind of embarrassing but despite all the hype I never actually listened to them... Someone please tell me what album or EP I should start with? Btw, what's the deal with their (pretty eventful) no-show at Lolla? ~conceptual art, or...?
  24. elllipsis

    David Bowie

    Aladdin Sane, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust & Hunky Dory I'll also forever love him for stanning for Syd Barrett since the 70s and to this day.
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