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my ol man isa batman

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Everything posted by my ol man isa batman

  1. mia paper planes ( ) galang xxxo meds and feds bad girls sunshowers bring the noize bucky done gun 20 dollar born free lovalot 10 dollar you're good come walk with me boyz santigold / grimes / elvis (good mixture )
  2. I'm sorry but that made me throw up a bit in my mouth.
  3. A behind the scene look at the Nylon magazine photo shoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ2tmeKNJtY#t=23
  4. can someone resize this, @@lola :umad: or :die2:
  5. i really love his voice i hadn't properly listened to much, but i love it and will be willing to throw my money at an album.
  6. blue hydrangea chinese food or thai food
  7. serial killer, no h8rz please i luv it now
  8. could the talk about crediting and what ever else move to or start a new thread, its really annoying. thanks
  9. idgaf I'm still gonna sing surf. i really like those lyrics though
  10. i hear "there's no where on the surf i would rather be" i thought they were the best lyrics
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