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Everything posted by drewby

  1. drewby

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Considering the official entry rules said a winner wouldn't be picked until mid-January
  2. That blanket is heinous. Truly the worst piece of artist merch I've seen this whole year
  3. drewby

    Charli XCX

    It's currently the highest value item in my record collection, and to think I thought it was cheap at the time of release. I should've bought two
  4. drewby

    Charli XCX

    We've had it since spring 2018 though
  5. drewby

    Charli XCX

    Don't think we're gonna let this crap take get overlooked
  6. drewby

    Charli XCX

    nnn I know she isn't but it really looks like she's lip-synching her way through basically the whole performance. Her best this is not
  7. drewby

    Dua Lipa

    Just Luv Me being on there twice kinda debunks this
  8. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    Did it really though?
  9. drewby

    Dua Lipa

    I still don't think we've fully seen what she's capable of, like this is the upward swing to the imperial phase and the best is yet to come. US radio finally woke up and embraced her this year
  10. drewby

    Taylor Swift

    My vinyl order from her store has been listed as 'on the way' and shipping soon for a week now. Ma'am I know you're trying to get another week in the top 10 of the BB200 but just send it now
  11. drewby

    Charli XCX

    This is by far and away one of the worst takes I've ever seen in this thread
  12. drewby


    My stupid ass saw the whole discography bundle right when they went up and I didn't think demand would be THAT high so I figured I'd wait two hours until after work to order it. Super Sunset, which was really the only one I wanted, was gone so the entire bundle was sold out next time I see something like that I'm just gonna buy it without a second thought
  13. drewby

    Charli XCX

    Facebook reminded me I saw/met Charli on the True Romance tour 7 years ago today. Superlove had just come out
  14. drewby

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Someone on Twitter said Warner sent them advance copies of the album so this is likely and the release could be imminent
  15. drewby

    Ariana Grande

    No, she responded to a fan saying she wasn't
  16. drewby

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Are they actually the demos or stem edits?
  17. drewby


    It was the cover art she wanted originally but the label put on the back cover instead
  18. Nevada has been blue since 2008, so the last few election cycles would have it in the bag but this year is volatile
  19. AP said it stands by its decision to call Arizona based on data it has about the remaining votes, but it'll be a nail biter for sure. It will all come down to the absentee ballots in Philadelphia to swing Pennsylvania
  20. People actively encouraging discord and post election violence on here?
  21. drewby

    Ariana Grande

    It's really not as long as you go into it expecting an album full of Moonlight, My Everything, Get Well Soon type songs. Anyone who expected some type of capital P Pop album will be disappointed. Positions was an appropriate appetizer
  22. drewby

    Ariana Grande

    The album is good, at a times understated R&B. She sings most of the album in her mid-range rather than belting, which is nice to hear, but she still has moments where she shows off her range. It's certainly not a masterpiece or perfect storm of an album in the way Thank U Next was, but most artists only have that once in their career. It probably would've benefitted from her sitting with the tracks more to develop the ideas, but I believe this is fully the album she wanted to make in its purest vision without tampering. It won't be for everyone and that's OK. As for the discussion above, I would not define this as experimental as a whole or even experimental for her, really. These are sounds and influences she's dabbled in before, and it doesn't really push R&B as a genre in a different direction than where it currently is... but she's never been a trendsetter so honestly expecting her to do that is misguided
  23. drewby

    Dua Lipa

    Both sound terrible, but Kanye fans are mad they paid for shit without his vocals
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