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Everything posted by sweetie

  1. movebaby clearly won the discussion/debate since Rorman's entire argument revolved around "i dont understand it, it doesnt make sense, what does that even mean, etc." I will say I prefer CG however HIAB is also a very good song
  2. Anyone know where to find the full version of this? You have to pay to access the site I think. Sorry if it's been posted before. https://mixwiththemasters.com/itt35
  3. sweetie

    Lykke Li

    I missed it Any idea where I can hear it? Edit: Nvm found it.
  4. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 5 Mariners Apartment Complex - 17 Venice Bitch - 20 California - 18 Bartender - 83
  5. Yep there are two versions. One of them, from her Myspace days, is longer and is a lot less polished & produced.
  6. good morning just what I needed another suicidal anthem
  7. Yeah no, we're probably not listening to the same NFR then. Totally folky.
  8. Pretty sure there was a recent interview where she talked about how she kept having to push Jack to tone down the production and keep it in tune with a "folksy" sound. I do think NFR has the worst production in her discography (it's still good tho), but it's just the aesthetic she's going for.
  9. Yep. I'm not gonna pick and choose which word to take. I'm taking all of it, with the idea in mind that what she was feeling at the moment is what she said at that moment. She contradicts herself, it's part of her personality. She's a work in progress.
  10. No soz I'm gonna keep taking her word for how she feels. People might just change over time.
  11. L+F is understanding herself
  12. million dollar man & hollywood's dead is this happiness & bartender cherry blossom & beautiful people salvatore & god knows i tried & 24
  13. the set list is absolutely bollocks luv selling my tickets for amsterdam anyone interested hmu
  14. sweetie


    I love her so much. She's an underrated vocal legend. I've had her newer releases on repeat for years and never bothered to check out her older stuff until last year. How I was in the WRONG! Soon We'll Be Found, Day Too Soon, Little Black Sandals, I'm In Here, Lentil, Pictures, Blow It All Away... some of my fav songs ever
  15. I do have an inkling that she's lowkey homophobic. Just recently that interview where she faced a "lightning round" of questions from a gay.... she seemed visibly uncomfortable by him. She is a white christian woman obsessed with the "golden age" of America, not much else to expect from her.
  16. You have to wait at least two posts before doing your ranking again. Can we please revert to the scores before this person started messing it up?
  17. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 23 Cinnamon Girl - 7 (+) California - 19 The greatest - 11 (-) Bartender - 41
  18. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 22 Cinnamon Girl - 7 California - 19 The greatest - 13 Bartender - 40
  19. It is "white gown" the second time she sings it
  20. Norman fucking Rockwell - 21 Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 Venice Bitch - 22 Cinnamon Girl - 11 (+) California - 20 The greatest - 17 Bartender - 33 (-)
  21. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 22 Cinnamon Girl - 14 (+) California - 21 The Greatest - 13 (-) Bartender - 30
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